My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1875 sneaking in regardless of face

Although Ke Yun'an said later that the power of the beast would wake up soon, how could he swallow this breath!

Gu Fenghua, Gu Fenghua, she's taking the bottom line, she's trying to put him to death!

Shen Zhengxing firmly believed in Ke Yun'an's words, and recognized that it was Gu Fenghua's hands and feet. He wished to smash her to pieces and file her bones into ashes, but Yiyuan Academy is also one of the nine major academies, and he has no real evidence, so he can do something about her nothing.

Back at the house at night, the more Shen Zhengxing thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, and finally made up his mind: Without real evidence, wouldn't I look for it myself? As long as evidence is found, Gu Fenghua is not letting him deal with it, he can also let out the anger in his chest.

Of course, in addition to venting his anger, the inexplicably disappeared half of the power of the beast must also be recovered.

Although the power of the beasts in Liangyi Academy is far more powerful than other academies, even if there is only half of it left, you can still comprehend Daoyun, but the difficulty will definitely increase a lot. Over time, it will affect the strength of Liangyi Academy even more. position is extremely detrimental.

It is very likely that from now on, Liangyi Academy will decline. Although it will not fall to the point of Yiyuan Academy, it will never be able to have the glory it is today. He does not want to be the eternal sinner of the Academy.

After easily breaking through the protective barriers and entering the Yiyuan Academy, looking at the Yiyuan Daotang and the two rows of houses not far away, Shen Zhengxing was in a bit of a dilemma: Where should I start the investigation?

One Yuan Daotang? It stands to reason that Gu Fenghua instigated Yaozhi to steal the power of the divine beast from Liangyi Academy for the purpose of using it on the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone. As long as he finds the power of the divine beast, he will naturally catch the thief. But after thinking about it for a while, he dismissed the idea again.

The strange stones in each academy contain completely different Dao rhyme and divine beast power, and only the corresponding divine beast power can touch the Dao rhyme. According to the speculation of the seniors, the master of the power of the beast should be the monster's pet mount of the strong man, and only by relying on the spiritual contract between each other can he touch Dao Yun.

That is to say, Gu Fenghua ordered Yaozhi to steal the power of the beast from Liangyi Academy, and it is absolutely impossible to use it on the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone.

Otherwise, the one-yuan academy would not have fallen to this point. You must know that the nine academies earlier were connected with each other.

"It seems that Gu Fenghua resorted to such despicable means purely to deal with Hua Mingyu, and he didn't want to give him a chance to make a fortune. And his Liangyi Academy was completely implicated by Hua Mingyu."

Thinking of Hua Mingyu, Shen Zhengxing became angry again: You said you are a good-natured person, why provoke Gu Fenghua when you have nothing to do? You just want to die yourself, don't implicate me in Yiyuan Academy, okay?

Of course now is not the time to be angry, the matter has come to this point, even if he beats Hua Mingyu to death, it is useless, the key is to find the power of the divine beast. After cursing a few words secretly, Shen Zhengxing withdrew his thoughts again.

Since the power of the beast is not in the one-yuan heaven and earth stone, it must still be on the Yaozhi. As long as you find Gu Fenghua, you will naturally be able to find the Yaozhi and find out the real evidence. But where is Gu Fenghua at this time? Looking at the two rows of houses, Shen Zhengxing felt a little dizzy.

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