"It can't be said that there is any family background. Our Yan family has been healing cattle for generations." Master Yan laughed.

"What, veterinarian!" Ke Yun'an blurted out in shock.

"It can't be called a veterinarian. Our family only treats cattle. We don't treat other pigs, chickens, etc., but we occasionally help kill pigs and sheep." Master Yan corrected. The smiles became extraordinarily warm, extraordinarily close.

Ke Yun'an was dumbfounded, and a long row of black lines stood on his forehead.

No wonder the scene of Master Yan holding the bamboo tube to pour medicine was so familiar to him earlier, it turns out that he is a veterinarian, a veterinarian who specializes in treating cattle! The Master Shi finally remembered that many, many, many years ago, when he was still very young and hadn't become a disciple of the sect, didn't he do this when he saw others heal cattle?

It's no wonder that his golden needles are so different, thicker than the awl used by the old lady in the country to pierce the soles of shoes. His family's doctor is a cow, so it can be pierced in thicker?

It's no wonder that the scene of Mr. Yuanzheng being tied up and tied up before was so familiar. It turned out that Yan's family not only healed cattle, but also had a side job of slaughtering pigs and sheep. I remember that others were tied up like this before they slaughtered pigs.

Now, of course, the Master History of the Academy also understands why Master Yan’s alchemy and medical skills are different. Even the great alchemists from the various holy sects have to ask him for advice. Can it be the same? I'm afraid they won't be able to comprehend the ancestral medical skills of the Yan family for a lifetime.

"Pfft..." Just as Ke Yuanshi suddenly realized, Shen Zhengxing finally spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Master Yuanzheng, are you alright, Master Yuanzheng!" Ke Yunan hurriedly supported Shen Zhengxing, and took out a few holy pills for him to swallow.

Seeing the sadness in Shen Zhengxing's eyes, Ke Yun'an felt even more sympathetic. It is indeed quite sad that the majestic Liangyi Academy principal, the head of the nine major courtyard principals of a school, was tortured like this by a bull veterinarian.

The pill force was running, and soon Shen Zhengxing regained his breath again, but he didn't speak, but just stared at Master Yan with fixed eyes. He wanted to kill, really wanted to kill.

"Master Yuanzheng, are you feeling better now?" Master Yan asked, putting his fingers on Shen Zhengxing's veins and checking carefully.

"Okay...it's much better." Shen Zhengxing said, trying to suppress the urge to kill.

"By the way, Lord Yuanzheng, how did you get poisoned?" Master Yan continued to ask.

"This..." Shen Zhengxing blushed even more. Thinking of the process of being poisoned, he was naturally ashamed to speak.

"Master Yuanzheng, your poison is too weird. I have never seen or heard of it. Although it is fine now, I can't guarantee that there will be no hidden dangers. You'd better tell the truth and let me think about it. Don't hide your illness and avoid medical treatment." Master Yan said earnestly.

"Actually, this is the case. Half of the power of the beast in my Liangyi Tiandi Stone disappeared for no reason, and the remaining half fell into silence. According to Ke Yuanshi, it is likely to be related to Gu Fenghua's demon plant. , So, I went to Yiyuan Academy to find out. You also know that if there is no real evidence for this kind of thing, it is impossible for others to admit it. We can't force them to tell the truth, so we can only do this." Seeing Master Yan's solemn expression, and thinking about the horror of the poison, Shen Zhengxing was really afraid of leaving any hidden dangers, so he didn't dare to hide it, so he had to be honest , but said a few words, and explained patiently.

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