My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1889 I don't want to talk to honest people anymore

"Yeah, I understand, I understand, Lord Yuanzheng has no choice but to do this. The key is, how did you get poisoned?" Master Yan is not interested in the cause and effect. That strange poison is interested.

"When I arrived at Yiyuan Academy, I saw a food box on the table, which was very fragrant. I opened it curiously and looked. Yun, you must have heard that Tantai Baiyi has worked so hard to understand the way of entering the world these years. Others thought it was a joke, but when I felt the rhyme, I knew that Tantai Baiyi had really achieved enlightenment. Saint Master, how could I miss this good opportunity to comprehend Dao Yun, so I just..." Shen Zhengxing continued, while talking, of course, he couldn't help explaining.

"So you just ate it, Mr. Tangtang, you actually went to another academy to steal your mouth..." Before he could finish his explanation, Master Yan said again with a look of surprise.

Next to him, Ke Yunan began to feel lucky again. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity and brought Mr. Yuanzheng back in time, and invited Niu veterinarian to detoxify him in time, otherwise Mr. Yuanzheng would go to Yiyuan Academy to steal his mouth. If the word spread, let alone him, everyone in Liangyi Academy would be ashamed to face others.

"I'm not cheating, I just want to understand Tantai Baiyi's way of entering the world." Shen Zhengxing explained with a blushing old face, but with such an explanation, even he himself felt so pale and powerless.

"Master Yuanzheng, is the food really delicious? Speaking of which, our Liangyi Academy is the most expensive of the nine academies, and the food is not bad. Why did you go to Yiyuan Academy to steal your mouth?" Master Yan Obviously he didn't take his explanation seriously, and he believed that Mr. Yuan Zheng was going to steal his mouth.

Ke Yun'an began to wipe his forehead again. In fact, he also felt that Shen Zhengxing's explanation had no credibility at all, and it was a lie to talk about it, but it's enough for everyone to know this kind of thing. Why do you say it? ah. It is worthy of the nickname given to him to be honest, he is really an honest person, he even speaks so directly and sincerely.

"It's the comprehension of Dao Yun, Dao Yun!" Shen Zhengxing was frantic for a while, and wanted to vomit blood again.

"Oh, Dao Yun, Dao Yun." Yan honestly finally realized that he had accidentally hurt Lord Yuanzheng's self-esteem, so he stopped asking.

"Master Yan, I'm poisonous, are you okay?" Shen Zhengxing took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to kill, and asked.

"Since the poison is coming out of the mouth, it's fine to let the poisonous gas out." Knowing the cause of Master Yuanzheng's poisoning, Master Yan deliberated and quickly came to a conclusion.

"That's good. Master Lao Yan is here today. It's not early, so go back and rest early. Also, don't publicize what happened today." As long as you know you're fine, Shen Zhengxing doesn't want to say a word to this honest man up.

After finishing speaking, Shen Zhengxing walked out of the Taoist hall with Ke Yunan's support.

"Master Yuanzheng is out, don't worry, I will not reveal a single word about you going to Yiyuan Academy to cheat and get poisoned." Knowing that it was related to Master Yuanzheng's reputation, Master Yan immediately raised his voice and promised, After thinking about it, he added, "Really, I won't say it."

Shen Zhengxing staggered and almost fell to the ground. His old face also changed from white to red and from red to black. He decided that when he recovered, he must kill people and kill them, kill people... kill people!

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