My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1891 If you want to steal, you shouldn't steal from the poorest

To put it simply, what happened was almost exactly the same as what she had guessed. The only difference was that Shen Zhengxing couldn't escape even though he forcibly circulated the holy energy and vomited blood. In the end, it was only with Ke Yun'an's rescue that he left Yiyuan Academy.

"Yes, yes, it must be so." Lonen never doubted Gu Fenghua's judgment, and this time was no exception.

"But our Yiyuan Academy has a protective restriction, how did he get in?" Several other people also had no objection to Gu Fenghua's guess, which is also the most reasonable explanation, but there are still some puzzles. After thinking about it, Shen Tinglan said doubtfully again.

"Actually, this protective ban is difficult to guard against villains, and it is difficult to guard against outsiders and internal thieves. As long as your cultivation level is higher, or you have more understanding of the art of sealing prohibition, it will be difficult to break the protective prohibition of your own academy or other academies." It's not difficult." Tantai Baiyi said.

"In other words, this person is from our first school." Qin Hanyu said.

No one else spoke, isn't this nonsense? With the status of a school, outsiders who dare to come in to seek death, this person is probably a member of a school. Sure enough, it is day and night defense, and it is difficult to guard against house thieves.

"But why did he come to our Yiyuan Academy to steal his mouth? He even licked the plates clean. No matter how poor other academies are, they can't be so poor. They can't even fill their stomachs? It must be that our Yiyuan Academy is the poorest." Qin Hanyu also realized that he had said something nonsense, and then said in a puzzled manner.

"Cough, cough!" Tantai Baiyi coughed dryly twice. What is poor is also that our Yiyuan Academy is the poorest. How can anyone say that about our own academy? It's too embarrassing.

"Of course he didn't come here specifically to steal. He probably had other intentions. It's just that when he saw these leftovers, he couldn't resist the temptation and got poisoned by accident." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

Everyone believed in her words. As long as you have tasted Miss Luo's cooking skills, you will know how tempting it is. If you have not experienced the weakness and fear after being poisoned, even if you know it is poisonous, they will probably not be able to resist eating a few mouthfuls.

And the person who came yesterday obviously didn't know how powerful it was, so he tasted a few mouthfuls and even licked the plate clean.

Thinking of this, everyone silently mourned for that person in their hearts. I really can't imagine how that person would be poisoned after eating so many dishes, and what a painful price he would have to pay to escape from the Yiyuan Academy by forcefully exercising his holy energy. Perhaps, he would not even think about recovering in a few months.

Of course they would not know that the poor thief who stole his mouth paid a much more painful price than they imagined, but it was not just because of poisoning, but because of the peerless medical skills of the cattle veterinarian, that is true A painful memory that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

"Then, who is it?" After the silence, Luo Enen couldn't help asking curiously.

"Since this person can retreat completely after being poisoned, his strength should not be low." Tantai Baiyi said thoughtfully.

He has also been poisoned and knows how powerful it is. If he was seriously injured and forced to circulate the holy energy at that time, he might be able to suppress the toxicity temporarily, but don't forget, he was knocked to the ground by the poison after eating a few mouthfuls of vegetables, but this person ate several dishes, even It's leftovers, and the portion is really quite a lot. To be able to insist on finishing the food and licking the plates clean before the poison was released, and then to force the holy energy to leave the Yiyuan Academy, this person's strength is very likely. It's a bit taller than him.

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