My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1892 Don't Guess The Truth Comes

"Is Tantai Academy here? Bai Qiuhan of Jiugong Academy, please see Longxin." At this moment, two old voices came.

Although the person was still outside the courtyard gate, the voice seemed to be ringing in his ears.

It was Jiugong Academy Zheng Bai Qiuhan and Academy Shi Xiang Longxin who came. Of course, Tantai Baiyi would not keep them waiting for a long time, so he didn't think too much about it, and took Gu Fenghua and others to greet him.

When he was leaving, Tantai Baiyi was secretly wondering, since the decline of Yiyuan Academy, the relationship with other academies has become more and more alienated, and no one has visited for a long time. Could it be that the sun came out from the west today.

"White Courtyard is visiting the Grand Priest of the Academy, the old man has not greeted him far away, so I'm rude." Seeing the two of them, Tantai Baiyi cupped his hands and said.

"Your Majesty Yuanzheng is absent, and it is our impoliteness to disturb you hastily." Bai Xiang said politely to the two.

Seeing Gu Fenghua, the two of them couldn't help but think of the day when the palace was opened to accept disciples. They were somewhat embarrassed, so they simply pretended not to see it.

"My lords, please come in. I didn't know you were coming, and I don't have any preparations. I only have some rough tea. Don't take offense if you forget about it." Tantai Baiyi made a gesture of invitation.

"Master Tantai, don't bother, we are going to Liangyi Academy to visit Shen Yuanzheng, and we happened to pass by Yiyuan Academy, so I invite you to join us, let's start now," Bai Qiuhan said.

"Visit Shen Yuanzheng, what happened to him?" Tantai Baiyi said in surprise.

"Don't Tantai Yuanzheng know yet?" Bai Qiuhan glanced at Tantai Baiyi in surprise, and explained, "I heard that Shen Yuanzheng went mad last night and was seriously injured. We are colleagues in the same academy. You should go check it out anyway.”

"Going mad!" Tantai Baiyi was even more surprised.

You must know that at their age, most of their cultivation bases are close to the limit, and it is as difficult as reaching the sky to make a breakthrough. With fewer opportunities to break through, there are even fewer chances of becoming obsessed. How could Shen Zhengxing suddenly become obsessed? I haven't heard that he has any signs of a breakthrough recently.

"I also heard people say that after Shen Yuanzheng was seriously injured, he was brought back by Ke Yuanshi. Maybe the madness is fake, but the injury is real. The dignified Liangyi Academy Yuanzheng was seriously injured. This is no small matter, so we I also want to find out." Xiang Longxin said in a low voice.

Although Ke Yun'an had told the disciples in the courtyard last night not to publicize the injury of Master Yuanzheng. But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will naturally be gossip. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, so after only one night, the news spread.

That is to say, the number of people in Yiyuan Academy is small, so no wind has been heard.

"Injured?" Gu Fenghua and the others opened their eyes wide at the same time.

"Bai Yuanzheng, Xiang Yuanshi, why are you here?" At this moment, two old men passed by the courtyard gate, saw Bai Qiuhan and Xiang Longxin, and asked in surprise.

These two people looked unfamiliar, they should be masters hired by a certain academy to preach and teach.

"I heard that Shenyuan is going crazy. We were going to visit. We passed by Yiyuan Academy, so we invited Tantai Academy to go with us." Bai Qiuhan replied.

"So that's the case, then you don't have to go. We have been there just now. Shen Yuanzheng's injury is no longer serious, but he is still a little weak and needs to retreat for a period of time. Just now let us pass on a message, everyone's kindness is appreciated. , there is no need to visit." An old man said.

"Okay, thank you both." Bai Qiuhan cupped his hands and said.

"The Tantai courtyard is grand, so we won't go there. There are still some trivial matters in the courtyard today, so let's take our leave first." After speaking, Bai Qiuhan and Xiang Longxin turned and left.

Watching the figures of several people disappear far away, Tantai Baiyi and the others looked back at each other.

Well, there is no need to guess again and again, who was the thief who stole the vegetables last night is already clearly in front of his eyes.

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