You must know that many holy masters in this world are stuck in a bottleneck when they reach the realm of Xuansheng, and they can't even make an inch of progress in a lifetime of penance.

"It turns out that Senior Sister Fenghua's cultivation is so strong, and she has only practiced the One-Yuan Huntian Mind Technique once and she has reached the peak of Xuansheng Ninth Grade." Looking at the nine dark blue holy beads with a light purple halo behind Gu Fenghua, Qin Hanyu and the others Also looked fascinated.

On the day when the academy opened to accept disciples, they had seen Gu Fengjie's sky-defying aptitude, but they had never seen her make a move, so they didn't know her true cultivation. But since she only took seven days to reach the peak of Xuansheng Ninth Grade, it proves that her original cultivation base is definitely not weak.

Is she really from the Nanli sect? How could such a shocking talent appear in a middle-rank sect? They even had some doubts about Gu Fenghua's origin. After all, Nanli Sect is only a middle-grade sect. No matter how glorious it was in the past, it was a thing of the past. How could it be possible to cultivate such a young and strong man?

I have to say that a woman's innate intuition is indeed quite accurate. Gu Fenghua really wasn't born in the Nanli Sect. If she hadn't been plotted against when she came to Wuji Sacred Heaven, I'm afraid many Sacred Sects would look at her differently. Hurry up and get her under the door.

"Your cultivation base has also improved a lot, right?" Gu Fenghua realized that the others had already finished their cultivation. It's no wonder that although other people have also entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man because of her, they are only touched by the light after all. Before the arrival, they finished their practice and woke up one after another.

"Thanks to you, Senior Sister Fenghua, I have also entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, and my cultivation level has been upgraded from the first rank of Profound Sage to the third rank of Profound Sage." Qin Hanyu said happily, his face full of complacency.

"I've also reached the third grade of Profound Sage." Shen Tinglan said.

"I went from the second rank of Profound Sage to the fifth rank of Profound Sage." Hu Moyu followed closely.

Both of them tried their best to maintain a little restraint, keep a little calm, and not make themselves look too arrogant, but the high spirits and uncontrollable ecstasy on their faces betrayed their hearts. You must know that one of them is just a registered disciple of Tantai Baiyi, and the other is just a so-called elite from a low-rank sect. After only seven days of cultivation, each of them has been promoted to the third rank. People believe that it is difficult for them to be satisfied.

Of course, apart from being excited, they also felt more grateful to Gu Fenghua. If it wasn't for Gu Fenghua, how could they have comprehended the One-Yuan Huntian Mind Method, how could they have entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, and how could they have such an improvement?

Even after many years, their cultivation is far from what it is today, but when they recall all this, they still can't help sighing, how lucky they are to know Gu Fenghua! In my heart, my gratitude to her has not diminished in the slightest.

"I've reached the eighth grade of Profound Sage." Compared with before, Luo Enen seemed a lot more low-key this time. Ever since she got to know Gu Fenghua, she has been pleasantly surprised. This kind of improvement was already in her expectation, but she didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

Of course, in her heart, she was no less grateful to Gu Fenghua than the others. If it wasn't for Gu Fenghua, she would never have dared to imagine that she would have the cultivation she has today. As for the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, I am afraid I will never hear of it in my life.

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