My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1904 Laugh without saying a word

"Looking at it this way, we may be able to enter the Heavenly Sacred Realm in less than a year." Qin Hanyu said full of expectation. It only took seven days to advance from the first grade of Xuansheng to the third grade of Xuansheng, so it was only natural to use one year to be promoted to Tiansheng, and it was even more than enough.

Gu Fenghua smiled without saying a word, how could it be as simple as Qin Hanyu thought to be promoted to Tiansheng? Not to mention that her jade liquid stone can only be used once a year, but the large formation of gathering spirits is definitely not something that can be used all the time.

"Ahem, I have practiced as a teacher for so many years, but I am still only a sage of heaven. You have only practiced for a few days, and you want to be promoted to a sage of heaven. It is said that this spirit-gathering formation will not recover within three to five hundred years, so there is no way to use it again." Sure enough, just as Gu Fenghua thought of this, he saw Tantai Baiyi pat Qin Hanyu on the head and said with a smile.

"Three to five hundred years, so long?" Qin Hanyu rubbed his forehead, his eyes widened, his baby face was full of surprise.

"Originally, this spirit-gathering array can only be opened once in sixty years, but this time everyone has entered the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man. Although the speed of cultivation is rapid, the consumption of spiritual energy in the world is also the same as before. Dozens or even hundreds of times, so that the formation is almost unbearable, and the recovery is naturally much slower." Tantai Baiyi explained.

"So that's how it is." Qin Hanyu finally understood.

"Besides, the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man can be encountered but not sought after. Do you think that Fenghua can enter this most mysterious and wonderful realm of cultivation every time, and you can follow suit every time?" After finishing speaking, Tantai Bai Yi added another sentence.

This time he was really wrong. Although Gu Fenghua could not enter the realm of the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man every time she practiced, she would be able to enter this realm again as soon as the cooling time of the jade liquid stone expired after one year. Qin Hanyu and the others follow her, and they will be able to enjoy the glory again.

However, Tantai Baiyi's words are not wrong in general, without the abundant spiritual energy provided by the spirit-gathering formation, it is obviously not enough to have the realm of heaven and man. Let's take Gu Fenghua himself as an example. It has been a long time since she obtained the jade liquid stone. It is not the first time she has entered the realm of the sacred heart of heaven and man with this, but she does not advance by leaps and bounds every time. If there is no other opportunity, Improvements are also limited.

But this time, it was the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man, the One-Yuan Huntian Mind Method, the One-Yuan Huaqi Jue, and the Spirit Gathering Formation, plus the complementarity of the two innate Holy Spirit roots. From this, it is not difficult to see how difficult it is to be promoted to Tiansheng. Qin Hanyu's thoughts are nothing short of idiot's dream.

Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua felt a little regretful. With such a good opportunity, he couldn't be promoted to Tiansheng. Next time, if he wants to find an opportunity to break through the last threshold, it may not be easy.

"That's true, but it's a pity that Senior Sister Fenghua didn't directly advance to the rank of Heavenly Sage this time." Qin Hanyu was content, and was not too disappointed after listening to Tantai Baiyi's words. A blue holy bead, but felt sorry for her.

"Don't think that the peak of the ninth grade of Xuansheng and the realm of heavenly saints are just one step away. For the vast majority of our holy masters in Wuji Shengtian, this step is a gap between heaven and earth. This step. Even with Fenghua's aptitude, it will be difficult to take this step even if it doesn't take tens or hundreds of years." Tantai Baiyi shook his head and said, which can be regarded as a kind of comfort to Gu Fenghua.

"Also, the way of cultivation is the best way to avoid high-spiritedness. Don't get carried away. Don't come to a school tomorrow for the time being. Go to the Lingxin Dao Hall right away while you can catch up." After finishing speaking, Tantai Baiyi warned again.

"Going to the Lingxin Taoist Hall so early, didn't you say, Master, that we will not be allowed to go until a few years later?" Shen Tinglan said in surprise.

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