My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1928 Another inexplicable loss

Needless to say, everyone could guess that he wanted to use formations to restrain the layers of wind blades. And judging from this large pile of pure gold and mithril, this formation should be more subtle and mysterious than the formation he arranged before.

The last time Gu Fenghua had an easier way to find the Binghuo Chijinguo, and he didn't want to see him waste time and energy, so he took the initiative to do it, so he didn't see the mystery of his formation, and he was always curious. This time, I didn't say anything more, and just focused on watching.

However, not long after watching, Gu Fenghua's expression suddenly changed.

"Master, hurry up and do it!" A lowly anxious and uneasy voice sounded in his mind.

"What happened?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise in his mind. After knowing each other for so many years, it was the first time she saw Jianjian so anxious.

"I don't know, this place is very wrong, I'm a little scared, the sooner we do it, the better." Jianjian said, her voice trembling slightly.

With the temperament of the little bitch who is not afraid of everything, even when she is afraid, Gu Fenghua's heart is also filled with strong unease.

"Wait, Senior Brother Bai." Gu Fenghua didn't dare to delay any longer, and said to Bai Rongyu.

Bai Rongyu's formation was about to be completed, when he suddenly heard Gu Fenghua's words, he looked up and saw her anxious eyes, and subconsciously stopped.

"I'll try first, if I can forcibly break the wind blade, if not, I'll trouble Senior Brother Bai to do it." Gu Fenghua didn't know how to explain Jianjian's intuition, so he said briefly and directly.

"Alright, then you should try it first." Bai Rongyu said helplessly.

Although his formation technique is infinitely wonderful, and the formation speed is extremely fast, but the requirements for the opponent's technique are also extremely high. Once it is interrupted, all previous efforts will be wasted and you must start all over again. This time is also the same. Anyway, it will take a lot of time to do it again, so let Gu Fenghua try.

However, looking at the formation that was about to be completed, he felt inexplicably disappointed again.

Gu Fenghua nodded, and slowly raised his long sword.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" The long sword wrapped in the silk cloth flashed a divine light, and slashed towards the giant wind blade net.

"Crack!" The sword light condensed with holy energy slashed on the invisible wind blade, and there was a crisp sound like the clanging of gold and iron. The infinite wind blade, which was originally whirling and turbulent, fell into a stillness.

can do it! Although the stillness was only for a moment, and everything returned to its original state immediately, Gu Fenghua was still delighted.

At that moment of stillness, she clearly saw that a gap had been torn open by her in the giant net of intertwined wind blades. As long as she was fast enough, she could pass through it, and even other people could do it—after all This time she was just trying, and didn't use her full strength. If she did it with all her strength, the gap would only be bigger and the wind blade would stay still for longer.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, you are so powerful!" Shen Tinglan's strength was a bit weak, but his eyesight was not bad, and he could see the power of Gu Fenghua's sword, and once again showed admiration.

"Ting Lan, get ready. When I make the next move with the sword, move immediately. When I make the next move with the sword, Han Yu moves, and then Mo Yu." Gu Fenghua took a few qi-tonifying sages. Dan, said to Shen Tinglan and the others. Fortunately, she deliberately preserved her strength in the previous sword, and the loss of holy energy was not too great, which would not affect her continuing to perform the Eight Swords Returning to Yuan.

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