My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1929 One is faster than the other

She didn't deliberately tell Luo Enen anything. With Miss Luo's current cultivation, she should be able to break through the wind blade. Even if she wants to be lazy, her ability to seize opportunities is far better than Shen Tinglan and others, so she doesn't need to worry about it .

"Senior Sister Fenghua, don't worry about us, the important thing is to complete the task by yourself." Shen Tinglan shook her head and said.

"Yeah, I promised not to hold you back, but you and Senior Sister Enen have wasted a lot of energy on this trip, so just leave us alone this time." Qin Hanyu also said.

"That's right, don't worry about us, we'll just figure out a way for ourselves." Hu Moyu also said repeatedly.

Think of a way, what can he think of? After all, I still don't want to hold back Gu Fenghua and Lornen.

"Then, well, you stay outside first, remember not to be careless." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

She wasn't worried about Shen Tinglan and the others holding back, but after hearing what Jianjian said, she felt more and more uneasy, and she wasn't sure what kind of crisis was hidden behind this wind blade, and she didn't want them to take risks.

"Yeah, we will be careful, Sister Fenghua, please do it quickly." Qin Hanyu said.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked at each other and raised their long swords again.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" After concentrating for a moment, the long sword slashed out again.

This time, Gu Fenghua didn't hold back any more, the holy air was poured into the sword instantly, the divine light bloomed, and a sword light swept across the sky and the earth, as if cutting through the sky and tearing the void.

Time also seemed to be at a standstill again, and the infinite wind blade fell into a standstill for an instant, and a crack about one foot high and half a foot wide was torn open in the originally impenetrable wind blade giant net.

Gu Fenghua walked with the sword, and passed through his body almost as soon as the crack appeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of wind behind him, followed by the soft sound of his feet stepping on the ground.

"Enen, are you okay?" Although he was very confident in Luo Enen's current strength, Gu Fenghua asked habitually and turned his head away at the same time.

"Hey, why did you come in too?" Immediately, Gu Fenghua stared at the two smiling faces in front of him, his eyes widened in surprise.

What followed was not Luo Enen, but Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu. By the way, there was Hu Moyu behind, and Luo Enen fell to the end.

"I followed you in." Qin Hanyu said proudly.

"How did you do it?" Gu Fenghua asked in disbelief.

Although this time she exerted all her strength, the wind blade was still for a little longer than last time, and the crack was a little bigger, but this was only relative, in fact, the time left for them was only a moment. It would be fine if one of the three came in with her, but all three came in, how could they be so fast?

"The two of them have a set of combined attacks, both offensive and defensive, and when performing them, they are several times faster." Luo Enen, who was at the end, could see clearly, and said a little depressed.

Speaking of which, her current cultivation level is much higher than that of Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu, and she wanted to show off at first, but when it was time to set off, she realized that her speed was far inferior to them, and it was inevitable that she would be hit hard.

"So that's how it is." Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that he had underestimated Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu, after all, he grew up in Yiyuan Academy, so how could he not have the ability to hold the bottom of the box.

"Actually, thanks to Senior Sister Fenghua, we have practiced this joint strike technique for a long time without success. It was only these few days that we suddenly realized the trick." Shen Tinglan said modestly, looking at Gu Fenghua with a few more eyes. very grateful.

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