If they hadn't been able to comprehend the Yiyuan Daoyun under the influence of Gu Fenghua, they might not be able to comprehend this combination of holy art for the rest of their lives.

"Then what about him, how did he get in?" Gu Fenghua pointed to Hu Moyu again and asked.

Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu grew up in Yiyuan Academy since they were young. It's normal to have a little bit of bottom-line skills. This guy is just from a small sect. How can he be so fast?

"He just jumped in, like a monkey, he just jumped in." When it came to Humoyu, Miss Luo became even more depressed.

Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu used the joint attack technique to get ahead of her, and she was more or less acceptable. This guy is good, he just jumped, simple and straightforward, like a jumping monkey, but his speed is faster than hers, isn't it? few. It was not until now that she realized that the so-called overcoming thorns and thorns, shooting stars, chasing the moon and stepping on the snow without a trace is really not a joke.

"I just jumped in!" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but think of Hu Moyu's agile figure that moved across mountains and ridges as if walking on flat ground, and he knew it clearly. You must know that at that time, he had not yet circulated the holy energy, but he already had such a sensitive skill. If he circulated the holy energy, it would be fine.

However, what kind of appearance must he have to be bullied by his senior sisters for him to develop such a skill? Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua felt a little sympathy for Hu Moyu.

"Senior Sister Luo, you don't have to be sad. The main reason is that you have breasts. When you start, you will inevitably slow down. Otherwise, I can't compare with you." Seeing that Luo Enen was in a bad mood, Hu Moyu comforted her. Well, this guy actually has a bit of eyesight.

But, why did Miss Luo suddenly want to kill after hearing such comfort?

What does it mean that she has breasts, so slow down, is it true that if she is fast, she has no breasts? Qin Hanyu and Shen Tinglan also wanted to kill people.

Well, this guy is really not worthy of sympathy, he deserves to be bullied. The sympathy that Gu Fenghua had just felt disappeared in no time - don't forget, she is the fastest one.

Outside of the wind blade, Bai Rongyu stared at the few people in a daze, shook his head and smiled wryly.

Originally, I wanted to see Gu Fenghua's helplessness, but who knew, not only Gu Fenghua, everyone around her is not a fuel-efficient lamp, even two little girls who are only registered disciples, a little girl from a low-rank sect Disciples, all have such amazing performances.

It seems that anyone who gets together with Gu Fenghua will show a surprisingly extraordinary side. What is the reason for this?

In Bai Rongyu's eyes, there was a look of curiosity.

At this time, he didn't realize that curiosity is sometimes a very dangerous thing.

Bai Rongyu put away the fine gold and mithril that hadn't been used twice, drew his sword and slashed his body and walked with the sword. The next moment, he passed through the wind blade and appeared in front of Gu Fenghua and the others.

His movements were so fast that even Gu Fenghua didn't see the holy bead that disappeared in the blink of an eye between his eyebrows, let alone the others.

"What a powerful strength!" Seeing him tearing open the windblade giant net so easily and passing through him, Qin Hanyu and the others all looked fascinated again—as expected of disciples of the Holy Sect, and they don't know when they will be able to do so. Possess such strength?

Gu Fenghua was also slightly surprised. She knew a little bit about Bai Rongyu's formation skills, and guessed that his strength should be stronger than her own. After seeing this scene, she knew that his strength might not only be stronger than her own It's as simple as a cut.

It seems that if it wasn't for helping them, he didn't need to arrange such a complicated formation at all.

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