"That's a man." Hua Qianfeng glanced at the drool at the corner of his baby nephew's mouth, and said angrily.

His eyes were vicious, and he could tell at a glance whether Bai Rongyu was a man or a woman.

"What, man?" Hua Mingyu asked suspiciously.

"Don't you even believe my eyes?" Hua Qianfeng said conceitedly. He can have his current status, of course, because there is someone behind him, but if he doesn't have extraordinary qualifications, how can anyone support him? He is still very confident in his own eyesight.

"It's a pity, why is he a man, it's a pity, it's a pity." Hua Mingyu wiped his saliva and said regretfully, but he still didn't take his eyes off Bai Rongyu.

"I said, you're not interested in men, are you?" Seeing his reluctant eyes, Hua Qianfeng said worriedly.

Although they had three brothers, Hua Qianyuan was the only one who got married and had children. Hua Mingyu was the only child in the family. If he fell in love with a man, wouldn't the Hua family be extinct?

"No, no, how could I be interested in men." Hua Mingyu quickly looked away and denied.

Seeing that he denied it flatly, Hua Qianfeng didn't want to say much, but he always felt a little uneasy.

"By the way, who is this person? Third Uncle, do you know his origin?" Hua Mingyu asked curiously again.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person is probably a disciple of which Sacred Sect." Hua Qianfeng took a closer look at Bai Rongyu and explained, "Some Sacred Sect disciples will also come to a Sumeru Realm to practice, because They hold the Jade Trial Tablet specially made by the Holy Ancestor, and they don’t even need to tell us.”

"I understand. No wonder Gu Fenghua was able to break through layers of wind blades. It must be his help." Hua Mingyu suddenly realized.

"It can only be like this. Although the strength of the disciples of the Holy Sect is good, it is not easy to break through the layers of wind blades, so we can only choose to cooperate with Gu Fenghua. This Gu Fenghua has good luck." Hua Qian Feng nodded and said.

"Then, do we still have to do it?" Hua Mingyue asked worriedly after hearing Hua Qianfeng confirm the other party's identity.

"Of course we have to do it. As long as we catch Gu Fenghua's handle, what can the disciples of the Holy Sect do? They can't interfere with our family affairs, right? Besides, they are just using each other, and they may not be able to stand up for her." Hua Qianfeng said without hesitation. With his status, there is no need to be afraid of a disciple of the Holy Sect.

"Then when will we do it?" Hua Mingyu regained his energy.

"Wait a little longer, no matter whether they can break through the last layer of wind blades, they will definitely hurt their vitality. That is the best time for us to do it. But to be on the safe side, we should put this on first." Hua Qian When Yu said this, he took out two masks, handed one to Hua Mingyu, and put one on himself.

Hua Mingyu suppressed the excitement in her heart, put on a mask, and continued to wait patiently.


"This layer of wind blade is really too strong, why don't we stop here." Bai Rongyu said with a sigh after trying several times, but with the same result.

"It's been hard to get to this point, and we must not give up." Gu Fenghua shook his head and said.

Although after coming to a Sumeru Realm, because of the extremely strange aura of that day, the recovery speed of her holy aura was obviously slower than usual, but when she broke through the giant net of wind blades again and again, she unexpectedly discovered that she had just The cultivation base that has just been promoted not long ago has some signs of loosening, and it has been improved a little. Although this improvement is not enough for her to break through the final bottleneck and step into the realm of heaven, it is equivalent to finding opportunity for a breakthrough.

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