My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1941 Didn't Gu Fenghua find out?

Gu Fenghua believed that if she had more opportunities like this, her promotion to the heavenly rank would be as easy as pie, and she would not need to wait ten years at all. In other words, if she couldn't temper her spiritual roots as soon as possible, she would really have to forcibly suppress her cultivation, and she wouldn't even be able to continue her cultivation.

"Yes, we can't give up." Lornen also said. Although he had been injured once before, which could be described as a life-and-death situation, there was no hesitation or timidity in Lornen's eyes, and his fighting spirit was still high.

"My formation technique has been brought to the extreme, even if I try it hundreds of times, I'm afraid the result will be the same." Bai Rongyu said. He is not the kind of person who gives up easily, but with his current strength, he can't force some things.

"Enen and I also have a set of joint strikes, which can greatly increase our combat power. If you add your formation and sword-questioning heart, it should be enough to break through this layer of wind blades." Gu Fenghua said. His expression was not as relaxed as she said, but became extremely dignified.

"I'm afraid, your joint attack technique still has some shortcomings, right?" Seeing her solemn expression, Bai Rongyu said guessingly.

"That's right, this joint strike technique may not be successful every time, and even if it is successful, the power may not be brought to the extreme. The only problem is that to perform this technique, one must unite mind, mind, and sword." Gu Fenghua nodded.

What she said was exactly the Eight Gods Concentration Art that she and Bai Fatzi, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran and others had comprehended in the life and death experience in the Nether Sand Sea. In fact, the hearts can only be called two gods concentrating their hearts, but their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and there are only two of them, and it is easier to communicate with each other, so the power they display is not small.

However, the requirements of the Eight Gods Concentrating Art are too high, and she can't guarantee that she can exert its power to the extreme every time. The most important thing is that once the Eight Gods Concentrate Heart is used, the mind, mind, and sword must be united. If she can't achieve the effect she expected after she starts, she may not even have time to stop her hand, and her life may be in danger.

Although Gu Fenghua didn't say the following words, Bai Rongyu still heard what she meant, and his expression became serious.

"Is this trial really so important to you?" Bai Rongyu couldn't help asking.

"To be honest, after coming to a Sumeru Realm, my cultivation has loosened and improved slightly. From this point of view, I'm afraid it won't take too long to be promoted to the Heaven Rank." Anyway, Bai Rongyu is also a Xuansheng At the pinnacle of the ninth rank, even one and a half feet have stepped into the realm of the heavenly sage, Gu Fenghua didn't bother to hide anything from him.

"What?" Bai Rongyu exclaimed, his eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Bai Rongyu's shocked and inexplicable look, Gu Fenghua was a little puzzled: Isn't it just a slight improvement in cultivation, what's the fuss about?

"This aura of heaven and earth in the Sumeru Realm is so peculiar that it cannot be cultivated at all. If it is forcibly cultivated, it may damage the meridians and even the spiritual roots, don't you know?" Bai Rongyu asked.

Beside, Luo Enen also looked at Gu Fenghua with strange eyes. She also discovered that when she operated the exercises before, under the cover of a heaven and earth spiritual energy in the Sumeru Realm, there is no problem in recovering the holy energy by operating the exercises, but the recovery speed is slow There are many, but if you practice, it is simply impossible. If you want to forcibly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there will be a sharp pain in your meridians immediately. Why didn't Gu Fenghua notice it?

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