My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1945 The Giant Tree Demon Plant Suddenly Appeared

Although he thinks that Bai Rong and Gu Fenghua are just using each other and will not stand up for her, but the other party is a disciple of the Holy Sect after all, if he can not offend him, he should try not to offend him. Now that he is seriously injured, it is his best Mobile phone opportunity.

"Then how do we break through these layers of wind blades?" Hua Mingyu asked again. Seeing that the three of Gu Fenghua teamed up, they used formations and sword skills, it was difficult to break through the layers of seals, and everyone was injured in the end, he didn't think that he and the third uncle would definitely be stronger than them .

"I have my own way." Hua Qianfeng took out the antique brass bell again.

Relying on his strength, he really couldn't break through the layers of wind blades, but as a deacon of the Lingxin Daotang, he still has some ways.

When talking, Hua Qianfeng showed a conceited smile. But with a smile, his smile froze on his face, his eyes showed horror, and even the copper bell in his hand almost fell to the ground.


"Master, hurry up, hurry up!" Gu Fenghua's anxious and even fearful roar sounded again in Gu Fenghua's mind. Her expression also changed suddenly.

"Fenghua..." Suddenly noticing the change in Gu Fenghua's expression, Luo Enen showed doubts.

"Let's go now!" Without a chance to ask Jianjian what happened, Gu Fenghua grabbed the hilt of the sword fiercely.

Lornen didn't ask any further questions, and just drew out his long sword.

Not far away, Bai Rongyu stood up suddenly, his expression changed drastically because of Gu Fenghua's shout, or because he sensed something. However, he didn't say a word, he just set up the formation as quickly as possible - the power contained in this giant wind blade net is so powerful, it's certainly not easy to get in, and it's certainly not easy to get out.

Bai Rongyu's movements were not unpleasant, but before he could set up the formation, the ground shook under his feet. Even though Gu Fenghua and the others had activated their holy energy, they still couldn't stand firmly, and almost fell on the ground. land.

Immediately afterwards, the earth split open, and a huge ancient tree emerged from the ground.

The bark on the trunk that is more than half a foot thick is dry and cracked, as if it has experienced tens of thousands of years of wind and frost erosion, showing a dark brown color, like dried blood, the stretched branches are twisted and twisted, and the roots are twisted like knots. Swinging and swaying like an octopus.

Although it is a giant tree, it reveals a more ferocious and brutal killing intent than a beast, and it also reveals a strong evil intention.

Yao Zhi! There is no doubt that this is a demon plant!

It is more difficult for plants to have spiritual awareness than beasts, so there are not many monster plants in this world, but looking at the monster plants in front of him, Gu Fenghua couldn't figure out what kind of species it was.

The other party didn't give them too much time to think, as soon as they appeared, they immediately waved their branches and swept towards Gu Fenghua and the others.

Don't look at the branch that was swaying and swaying just now, it was as soft as an octopus' tentacles, but now it swept across like a steel whip, with a piercing scream.

Before he had time to think about it, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen swung their swords at the same time and slashed at each other.

"Pfft." The long sword full of holy energy slashed on the branch, like cutting a piece of dead wood, with a muffled sound, the branch was also swung back, Gu Fenghua and the two were safe and sound.

"So it's not very strong, I was taken aback." Loenen heaved a long sigh of relief after easily blocking Yaozhi's attack.

Gu Fenghua's expression was stern. Although Yaozhi's attack did not pose the slightest threat to them, the power of their sword was also as powerful as stone sinking into the sea. It didn't hurt it at all, so it was evenly matched.

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