My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1946 Untimely Surprise and Resentment

If they change places, they don't need to be afraid, but don't forget what this place is. This is a Sumeru Realm, and their recovery speed of holy energy will be greatly reduced. If they continue to fight, they will be dragged to death.

More importantly, for this attack, the opponent only used two branches, and there were more than a dozen branches swinging around like octopus tentacles, which were useless at all.

Just thinking of this, the demon plant waved more than a dozen branches at the same time, attacking the two from all directions.

"Pfft." The first branch that slashed down was swung away by Gu Gu Fenghua's sword, but the holy energy in the sword also disappeared, and most of it was consumed. Immediately afterwards, the second branch swept over again.

Gu Fenghua didn't have time to circulate the holy energy, so he could only hold the horizontal sword at his side, and there was another muffled sound, and the branch was also swung back, but the holy energy in the sword was also exhausted.

Immediately afterwards, the third branch drew a strange arc and fell towards Gu Fenghua. Although Gu Fenghua had already used the kung fu again at this time, injecting holy energy into the long sword, but the speed was a little slower. The bark was dry and cracked, as if the branches that had been eroded by thousands of years of wind and rain fell on the sword. I felt a shock all over my body, and my chest seemed to be hit by a boulder, a surge of energy and blood rushed out involuntarily.

Even Gu Fenghua was like this, and Luo Enen was of course no exception. She blocked the opponent's three attacks with difficulty, and she flew out like a kite with a broken string, her face pale.

Fortunately, she now has the cultivation base of the eighth grade of the Profound Sage, and she has experienced a long time of training, and her actual combat experience is extremely rich. No matter how she reacts when facing the enemy, the use of sword skills, or the control of holy energy, she is far superior to the same level of saints. Otherwise, Yaozhi's repeated attacks this time would be enough to seriously injure her.

Before the two of them could stand firm, the Yaozhi swung its tentacled branches and charged towards them.

"You can't fight it head-on!" Gu Fenghua backed away slowly while resisting Yaozhi's attack, in order to dissolve the powerful counter-shock force.

Every time the long sword slashed the Yaozhi, the holy energy in it seemed to sink into the sea. Gu Fenghua faintly noticed that the Yaozhi could dissolve the holy energy. The power in front of him is greatly reduced.

For a while, Gu Fenghua couldn't think of a way to deal with it, but she knew one thing very well, if they fought recklessly, they wouldn't even have a chance to be dragged to death, and they would consume themselves to death.

At this time, Luo Enen also realized how powerful Yaozhi was, how dare he fight it head-on, long before Gu Fenghua opened his mouth, he backed away while resisting Yaozhi's attack, and at the same time did not forget to take it The qi invigorating elixir, try to speed up the recovery of the qi.

"Hey, your reaction is not slow this time." Fortunately, Yaozhi's attack was not violent, and Gu Fenghua was surprised when he saw Luo Enen's reaction so fast.

"If you are often abused, abused, and abused, your reaction will become very fast." Luo Enen replied. When she spoke, there was no habitual complacency on her face, only deep resentment.

That's right, she was the one who reacted quickly because she was abused and abused, and the abuser was right next to her, with eyes full of surprise. If the time and place are wrong, Lorn really wants to growl, you are so surprised. But even if the time and place were right, she didn't dare to yell like this, at most she yelled in her heart. There is no way, because of the fear of "power", Miss Luo has no human rights.

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