"Hand over the magic weapon and the Ice Fire Chijin Fruit, and I'll spare you your death, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel." Seeing that Gu Fenghua didn't answer, Hua Qianfeng said again threateningly.

"I can give you the artifact, but I don't own the Binghuo Chijin Fruit alone. I have to discuss it with my companions." Gu Fenghua said.

She didn't believe that handing over the magic weapon and ice-fire-red-gold fruit would let her go. It's not like she hasn't seen killing people to seize treasures. Once the other party got what they wanted, it would be strange not to kill people and silence them.

Of course, even if the other party is willing to let them go, she won't be able to produce any artifacts, so she can't hand over the Yaomu cauldron, let alone the Yaomu cauldron, she won't hand over even ice, fire, and red gold fruits. They traded their lives for it. If you want to grab it, there is no door!

While speaking, Gu Fenghua gave Luo Enen a sneaky wink, and held the trial jade token in his hand.

Although the dark-eyed demon wooden cauldron is being reduced to ashes little by little, the giant net of wind blades around it has not completely disappeared. She has to delay until the wind blades around her completely disappear before they can crush the trial jade card and escape from a beard. Misunderstanding.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, do you think I'll give you this chance?" Hua Qianfeng said with a sneer. As the deacon of Lingxin Daotang, how could he not know the magical effect of this trial jade card, how could he possibly give Gu Fenghua a chance to escape.

Seeing through the purpose of the other party, Gu Fenghua's eyes froze slightly.

"I'll count to three. If you don't hand over the artifact again, I'll have to take it myself." Hua Qianfeng slowly pulled out the long sword and said in a drawn-out tone, "One..."

"This, let me think about it again." Gu Fenghua's expression changed slightly, showing hesitation.

"Two..." Seeing the change in Gu Fenghua's expression, Hua Qianfeng was even more determined, and continued to count.

"They are all disciples of the sect, why are you so aggressive?" Gu Fenghua secretly sighed, with a helpless expression on his face.

"Three..." Seeing that Gu Fenghua had apparently given up the courage to fight, Hua Qianfeng was completely relieved.

"Okay, I promise you." Gu Fenghua gritted his teeth and said.

Behind the mask, Hua Qianfeng smiled. Previously, he was afraid that Gu Fenghua would rather die than surrender, and would fight him with the self-detonating artifact, so it seems that he overestimated her. With this smile, Hua Qianfeng relaxed naturally.

"Break the sky, cut the waves!" At this moment, Luo Enen flew up and attacked Hua Qianfeng with a sword.

"Looking for death!" Hua Qianfeng didn't expect that someone would dare to make a move when the other party was seriously injured, and was slightly startled. However, he didn't pay attention to Luo Enen, and directly greeted him with a sword.

Nine holy beads, which were almost identical to Bai Rongyu, appeared between his eyebrows. Profound Sage ninth grade peak limit, even half-step Heavenly Sage.

Even though Luo Enen's cultivation level has reached the eighth rank of Profound Sage, but the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to improve. Every time a level is higher, it is often a world of difference. What's more, Luo Enen's injury is not serious, how can he Maybe Lornen is in his eyes.

However, at the same time as Luo Enen made his move, Gu Fenghua's long sword also slashed out like lightning.

She and Lornen had a good understanding, even if they didn't say anything, they knew that she would never hand over the Ice Fire Chijin Fruit, let alone any artifact. Just now when Gu Fenghua pretended to be hesitant, both of them had already secretly accumulated holy energy, waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

Although Lonen was the first to grab the strike with this sword, the timing of his strikes was not in any order.

In mid-air, the two sword glows merged into one, and even their minds and sword intents were completely merged into one.

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