My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1962 It's really unimaginable

Under serious injuries, both of them managed to accumulate a little holy energy. Both of them knew that they only had one chance to strike, and if they couldn't kill each other in one fell swoop, they would definitely die.

Yashen concentrated his mind and was brought to the extreme by the two of them. Even under serious injuries, the sword might is stronger than before, and it is not as simple as adding the ninth grade of Xuansheng and the eighth grade of Xuansheng, but doubled.

Although Hua Qianfeng's strength is not weak, but when it comes to actual combat experience, he is far behind Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, let alone Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's joint sword can have such power when they are seriously injured. Even though they had already struck out in time to resist, they were unable to fully display their true combat power, so how could they resist their sword that would give up their lives and forget their hesitation.

"Pfft!" When the sword lights met, Hua Qian spouted a mouthful of blood fiercely, and staggered back again and again.

Next to him, Hua Mingyu didn't even have a chance to draw his sword, and just rolled and crawled out.

As soon as Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen succeeded in the attack, they immediately got up and chased. Although the holy energy in their bodies was once again on the verge of being exhausted, they both knew that if they couldn't take advantage of the victory to fight back, they would be the ones who would die once the opponent recovered.

Although the faces of both of them were as miserable as gold paper, their eyes were still so firm and resolute.

Seeing this scene, not only Shen Tinglan and the others, but even Bai Rongyu were shocked.

After suffering such serious injuries, they were all exhausted, and even almost lost the strength to hold their swords. It was really unimaginable how Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen could burst out with such powerful combat power.

"You are courting death, you are courting death!" Hua Qianfeng roared angrily. Obviously, his cultivation base was still a bit higher than the opponent's, and the others were still seriously injured after fighting hard, but he suffered such a big loss when he did it. He was absolutely ashamed and angry.

Seeing that the cold sword edge was getting closer and closer to him, Hua Qianfeng had no time to think about it. With a flip of his wrist, an antique copper bell swirled out.

"Dingling bell..." The copper bell made a series of pleasant crisp sounds, and golden silk threads drifted past gently like water plants.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen paused, already entangled tightly by the golden thread.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, Senior Sister Enen!" Shen Tinglan, Qin Hanyu, and Hu Moyu were taken aback, holding the long sword with trembling fingers, and they were about to step forward to rescue them.

However, before they got close, a few golden threads were tightly wrapped around their bodies, making them unable to move.

"I wanted to let you live, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant! Since you refused to hand over the artifact, I have to come and get it myself." Hua Qianfeng ignored the others and wiped his mouth blood stains, and walked towards Gu Fenghua angrily.

"Don't kill her yet." Hua Mingyu heard that Hua Qianfeng's tone was not friendly, and rushed to Gu Fenghua first.

"Tell me, did you steal the power of the beasts from the Liangyi Academy?" Hua Mingyu pulled out his long sword, pointed at Gu Fenghua and shouted.

If it is really impossible to avenge with his own hands, Gu Fenghua's death at the hands of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu is also a consolation, but since the third uncle has already restrained her, he doesn't want Gu Fenghua to die too happily.

He wants to ruin Gu Fenghua's reputation, abolish his cultivation and drive him out of an academy. It's best to bring Nanlizong annihilation, and then make her regret for the rest of his life. Of course, he will step on her feet from time to time when he is free. . For a promising saint, this is probably the most painful thing in the world.

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