"Who are you guys?" Gu Fenghua stared at him when he mentioned the power of the beasts in Liangyi Academy. It was only then that I noticed that even though they were furious, the two people on the opposite side were still expressionless, and they were still a bit dull, obviously wearing masks.

Before, she also thought that these two were disciples of the Three Great Sacred Sects, but now she realized that she guessed wrong, these two must also come from a school, otherwise how would she know about the power of the beasts of Liangyi College.

Who on earth is it? Gu Fenghua soon had the answer: besides Hua Mingyu, who else would it be. But how could this guy keep up, and who is the other person?

"Say it quickly, or I will abolish your cultivation now, so that you can't survive or die." Hua Mingyu is not stupid, as soon as she said that, she knew that Gu Fenghua would definitely guess her identity, and she didn't bother to talk nonsense. Directly threatened to press.

Although he was wearing a mask, everyone could hear the fierceness in his words, knowing that his words were not just words, Shen Tinglan and the others all looked anxious.

Hua Qianfeng also came over at this time, ready to start searching for the artifact. Bracelets all have space seals, and artifacts also have the brand of consciousness. It is not easy to break the seal and refine the brand. Before taking the artifact as his own, he doesn't want to kill Gu Fenghua too early.

Seeing this, Shen Tinglan and the others became even more anxious. Their minds are pure and simple, but they are not stupid, they know that it is good that Hua Qianfeng didn't get the artifact, but if he got the artifact, Gu Fenghua's life might be in danger.

"Do you really think that this will trap me?" Just when they were burning with anxiety, Gu Fenghua asked suddenly, with a playful smile on his face.

"What!" Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua could still laugh at this time, Hua Qian Feng Hua Ming Yu was startled.

"Aw..." A childish roar sounded in his ears.

The uncle and nephew of the Hua family were startled at the same time, they turned their heads to look around, but they didn't see the monster. Just for no reason, I saw the golden thread that tightly bound and imprisoned Gu Fenghua melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

The two were dumbfounded, and before they realized what was going on, the other golden threads also melted quickly, as if being swallowed by an invisible big mouth.

"What, what's going on here?" Hua Mingyu swallowed, and said with difficulty.

"Ah...not good!" Hua Qianyuan just woke up like a dream, and frantically made his handprints, wanting to take back the copper bell—it took only a moment, and as the golden threads disappeared, the copper bell disappeared. The golden light became dim, and a green patina grew.

"Oh, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death." Before he finished his handprints and took back the copper bell, a cub with shiny black hair appeared in front of him.

It jumped up and down like burning its buttocks, roaring in pain, and waved its two bear claws wildly. Every time it grabbed a piece of gold wire, it rolled it into a ball and stuffed it into its mouth, chewing until it made a sound.

And the copper bell was quickly pulled to the front of him like this, and he bit it in with his mouth, and then there was a crackling sound, and then, the copper bell disappeared completely when his throat rolled. not see.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me to death... ouch..." Swallowing the copper bell in a few mouthfuls, the cub was still jumping up and down screaming and howling in pain, with tears in his eyes.

Around, almost everyone was stunned.

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