My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1964 The True Appearance of the Cub

As soon as the Huaqianyuan copper bell came out, there was an ethereal sense of agility, and then the golden thread swayed, easily imprisoning Gu Fenghua and others firmly, but anyone with a little vision can see that even if this is not a divine weapon, It is definitely far superior to ordinary magical weapons, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a semi-sacred weapon.

Such a powerful semi-divine weapon was bitten to pieces by the bear cub, and then swallowed in one gulp. What a mouthful, what an appetite.

Gu Fenghua was also stunned. She was restrained by the copper bell and gold thread before, and she thought that she must be doomed this time, but at that moment, deep in her heart, she suddenly sensed the aura of Hei Yao waking up from a deep sleep. Immediately settled down.

I remember the last time I was trapped by Lu Aochen's Wuyin Chijinzhong, and he was able to escape easily by relying on Hei Yao. Fenghua doesn't think that the copper bell and gold thread is stronger than the Wuyin Chijinzhong - the former is a real artifact, while the latter is at best a semi-artifact.

The following things were exactly as she had imagined, the seemingly flexible but indestructible gold thread was like silver noodles in the mouth of the bear cub, but the taste was slightly different, and the weight was right. A little smaller, the little guy can't eat enough, and by the way, he even ate other people's "pot".

It's not the first time to see Little Bear Cub's magical powers. Gu Fenghua didn't make a fuss, but he just couldn't figure it out: Didn't this guy just wake up from a deep sleep? Why did he suffer from such pain? What happened?

Gu Fenghua could vaguely see that this time the little bear cub ate the semi-magic weapon, not because of his greedy mouth, but because he was insanely painful, just like a human being in extreme pain, he would bite whatever he saw.

"Give it back to me, spit it out for me, spit it out!" Hua Qianfeng's throat followed the cub's rolling forcefully, and finally came back to his senses, and roared in a crying voice. Ignoring Gu Fenghua, he rushed to the cub in a few strides and grabbed its neck.

Although Hua Mingyu didn't know the origin of the copper bell, but he was able to trace the aura of Gu Fenghua and others before, and was able to easily break through the wind blade and come in front of Gu Fenghua and others, all because of this copper bell. Even with his toes, he could guess the origin of the copper bell. Hearing the third uncle's voice was full of tears, he didn't dare to be negligent, and followed him with his sword.

"Heizi be careful!" Shen Tinglan and the others had never seen Hei Yao, but Luo Enen was very familiar with it, and immediately raised his long sword again upon seeing it.

However, before she could do anything, an even more shocking scene appeared before her eyes.

Being grabbed by Hua Qianfeng's neck, the cub's cries of pain stopped abruptly, but his body was still struggling because of the pain, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Kah, kah, kah..." There was a light sound like popping beans from its body, and air masses surrounded it, spinning rapidly, rolling up a long cloud of dust and sand, blocking the line of sight.

"Peng!" Amidst the muffled sound, the dust scattered, and a huge monster appeared in front of his eyes.

It is nearly ten feet tall, with big arms and a round waist. It looks like a giant bear, but the white hair on its round head is like snow, its ears are painted like ink, and there are two dark circles on its face. No matter how you look at it, it looks naive. It is completely different from ordinary giant bears, and even bear monsters.

If it wasn't for Hua Qianfeng who was still pinching its neck, almost no one would have believed that this tall, fat and mighty monster in front of him was the former little bear cub. However, although Hua Qianfeng was still pinching its neck, his feet lifted off the ground, and it felt more like being lifted into the air by it.

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