"Iron-eater!" Shen Tinglan and the others exclaimed.

Gu Fenghua patted her forehead hard, she should have thought of it a long time ago, the monster that can eat the artifact so easily is anything other than an iron-eating beast.

According to legend, the iron-eating beast was an extremely powerful monster in ancient times. Its combat power was comparable to any tiger and bear monster. Ordinary monsters would make a detour when they saw it, but its most powerful monster supernatural power , that is, the teeth are good, not only can swallow gold and mithril, but can even bite through artifacts.

Because of its own strength and the supernatural power of this monster, the iron-eating beast was once tamed as a mount by many strong people. Disappear and become a legend.

Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua suddenly remembered another thing. In the scriptures brought back by his brothers, there is an animal that is extremely cannibalistic to this iron-eating beast, and its name is panda. Could it be that the iron-eating beasts left the Tianji Continent and went to the world in the storybook. However, the pandas in the storybook are just cute, but I don't see any greatness.

Gu Fenghua didn't know that even in another world, pandas are equally ferocious, but it's just concealed by their cute appearance.

"Roar..." Just as Gu Fenghua thought of this, he heard the iron-eating beast roar, which seemed to contain a bit of pain.

Hua Qianfeng was stunned by the monster that suddenly transformed in front of him, and he didn't realize it when he was strangled by the other's neck and was hung up in the air. It wasn't until the roar rang in his ears that he suddenly came back to his senses and let go quickly. Unfortunately, , Only then did I realize that it was obviously too late to let go.

Before he hit the ground, the iron-eating beast slapped him.

"Crack!" The sound of bones breaking followed.

"Pfft..." Hua Qianfeng spat out another mouthful of blood.

Hua Mingyu just rushed to the front at this time, but looking at the mountain-like monster in front of him, he didn't have the courage to cut the sword in his hand, so he just held the long sword high and looked up blankly.

The iron-eating beast was condescending, and let out another roar, revealing a mouthful of sharp and snow-white fangs. Between the teeth, there is a golden silk thread. I can't imagine what it would be like if it bit someone's body with one bite.

"What a cute monster, let's play peek-a-boo, shall we?" The long sword in Hua Mingyu's hand fell to the ground with a clang, with a bright smile on his face, so gentle, so kind, so full of love .

It's a pity that his caring smile was flirting with a cow, and the iron-eating beast on the opposite side was obviously not interested in playing peek-a-boo, so he slapped him with a slap, and sent him flying away. Hua Qianfeng is exactly the same.

"Bang!" Amidst the muffled sound, the Hua family uncle and nephew fell to the ground like an arhat, smashing a big hole.

Before they could catch their breath, the iron-eating beast roared angrily and rushed forward. Despite its tall, strong and fat body, its movements were extremely fast.

"Bi Luo Qian Yu Palm!" Hua Qianfeng's long sword flew to nowhere, so he could only dance his palms together and block in front of him.

As expected of a half-step heavenly sage, even without a sword in his hand, Hua Qianhua's palm technique is still exquisite and mysterious, which dazzles people. If the hostile relationship between the two sides is put aside, even Gu Fenghua can't help but secretly praise.

"Aw..." The iron-eating beast roared loudly, and waved its palms together like a windmill, without losing the wind in the slightest.

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