My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1970 I will treat you as companions

Upon hearing this, Qin Hanyu immediately fell silent, and retracted the fist that was about to hit Hu Moyu's head.

"Senior Brother Bai, Senior Sister Fenghua, Senior Sister Enen, you all exchanged your lives for these demon pills. We don't have the nerve to take them. Let's divide them between the three of you." Shen Tinglan said.

"Since you are called Senior Brother Bai, I will treat you as companions. If you say that, it means you look down on me, Bai Rongyu." Bai Rongyu said with a straight face.

"Ting Lan, you are welcome. If you hadn't blocked me for a while before, I would have never had the chance to slash the last sword. I am afraid that I would have died at the hands of the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu." Gu Fenghua also said sincerely .

It's not that she was courteous to Shen Tinglan and others, nor was she favoring them in front of Bai Rongyu, but it's the truth.

Although the strength of Shen Tinglan and the others is a bit weak, and they haven't been able to help much, sometimes they even look a little cumbersome, but if they didn't hold back the dark-eyed demon Leimu at the critical moment, they won a few breaths for her. Time, she had no chance to cut that sword at all. Don't look at the mere few breaths, it can save lives.

Moreover, in order to win her a chance to fight back from the Jedi, several people were also seriously injured, how could they be treated badly.

"Then, okay." Seeing Bai Rongyu showing displeasure, Gu Fenghua also spoke to persuade him, but Shen Tinglan and the others did not persist.

The Feast Eye Monster Lei Mu left eleven pills in total. Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu Hu Moyu were embarrassed to ask for more, and each took one. Luo Enen had rashly accepted the next one just now. At this time, another one was taken, and the remaining six were divided equally between Gu Fenghua and Bai Rongyu.

The two of them were the most injured, contributed the most, and had the highest cultivation. They just needed to nourish their spiritual roots, so it was the most reasonable division.

Taking advantage of the time before the end of the trial, everyone took the Yaodan, immediately sat cross-legged, and began to perform exercises. The aura of Xumi Realm is too special, except for Gu Fenghua, other people can't cultivate it at all, but at this time, using the holy qi to refine the demon pill to nourish the root of the holy spirit has no effect.

The spiritual power of the Yaodan began to flow, and Gu Fenghua immediately felt the extraordinaryness of the Yaozhi Yaodan.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, five completely different auras of heaven and earth are contained in them, and they are clearly separated from each other, extremely pure, but there is no repulsion at all, and they are intertwined and dependent on each other.

Spiritual energy poured into the eyebrows and gathered behind the holy bead. The two holy spirit roots seemed to be soaked in warm spring water, giving birth to vigorous vitality and thriving growth...


Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

The ancient stone pillars cast slender shadows in the setting sun, and the icy cold wind swept over the broken stone walls, making a low-pitched wind sound, like a sad whimper, yet so desolate.

This is an ancient ruin of Wuji Shengtian. The weathered and corroded carved murals on the wall have written the vicissitudes of the years, like an ancient palace. Of course, it has lost its former splendor and splendor.

A handsome young man was sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, his face became more angular, but there was a bit of pain between his brows. There was a thin layer of sweat.

"Fenghua!" Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and couldn't help but let out a low cry, and a bit of worry appeared on his stern face.

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