My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1971 Asking what love is in the world

"My lord, what's the matter?" A middle-aged man with a refined bearing immediately stepped forward and looked at him worriedly.

If Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others were present, they would definitely recognize that this middle-aged man was the big shopkeeper of the Qianjinzhai of Guanghua Kingdom in Tianji Continent: Xu Qianmiao. And who else could he be respectfully called an adult besides Ye Yunji?

Ye Yunji didn't answer his question, but frowned, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"My lord, is something wrong with Miss Fenghua?" Xu Qianmiao asked tentatively.

"Fortunately, nothing serious." After a long time, Ye Yun said with a sigh of relief. Looking at the slightly undulating chest, it still seemed a little restless.

"My lord, Miss Fenghua is extremely talented, and her scheming and scheming are far superior to ordinary people. You don't have to worry too much about her." Xu Qianmiao said comfortingly.

"Here, after all, is the Holy Heaven of Promise." Ye Yunji shook his head and said. In order to find out about Gu Fenghua's situation earlier, he had consumed a lot of divine sense, and his voice was full of exhaustion. This is thanks to the help of the magic dragon, otherwise, given his current situation, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult to detect Gu Fenghua's situation.

"My lord, why don't I inquire about Miss Fenghua's whereabouts." Xu Qianmiao said.

"No need, she's fine, there are other ways for me to find her." Ye Yunji said. If it wasn't for the fact that Molong hadn't recovered yet, he wouldn't need to bother to find Gu Fenghua.

"My lord, your injury has not yet healed, and now is the critical moment of blood and soul, you must not act rashly." Xu Qianmiao said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry, I can clearly tell which is more familiar, and I won't act recklessly." Ye Yunji saw his worry and said with relief.

If you really know the seriousness, you won't lose your energy because of looking at her last time. Xu Qianmiao slandered secretly in her heart, but dared not say it out loud.

"You go out first, I have to retreat for a while." Ye Yunji said.

"Yes, my lord." Xu Qianmiao bowed and retreated, and when he left, he couldn't help but look deeply at Ye Yunji with worried eyes.

After Xu Qianmiao left the hall, Ye Yunji stretched out his finger and drew a rune on the ground, then bit his fingertip and spilled a drop of blood on it.

This rune doesn't look complicated, but when the drop of blood spilled on it, it immediately emitted a dazzling golden light, and the strokes, strokes, and picks on it all looked so simple and natural, as if the way was formed by nature.

With a flash of golden light, it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance. Then, a black shadow followed it at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to see.

The runes on the ground disappeared, but Ye Yunji's face showed a little tired look.

"Fenghua, wait for me, I will come to you in a short time." Ye Yunji looked at the sunset in the sky and whispered to himself.

In front of his eyes, it seemed that the graceful and graceful figure, the flawless face, and the firm gaze hidden behind the frailty appeared again.

"Ask what love is in the world, and only ask people to promise each other with their bodies..." Xu Qianmiao faced the wilderness and his back to the hall, but he seemed to feel something and sighed secretly.

After sighing, he patted his forehead heavily: No, this poem is not read like this, why did it accidentally read like this.

Xu Qianmiao subconsciously took out a paper booklet from her arms, looked at the word "Xianchi" at the corner of the booklet, and raised her eyebrows: "Who is this Xianchi, come out, come out, I promise I won't kill you !


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