My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1972 Because her fate changed

Five kinds of extremely pure heaven and earth aura rely on each other and flow into the spiritual root. Under its nourishment, the two holy spirit roots thrive like mushrooms after rain.

Finally, the spiritual energy was completely absorbed, and the two holy spirit roots were fully twice as strong as before, and their toughness and vitality were also fully twice as strong as before.

Gu Fenghua opened his eyes in surprise. The root of the holy spirit is the foundation of the cultivation of a saint teacher. Now the root of the holy spirit is twice as strong as before, which means that her cultivation potential is twice as strong as before, even if her cultivation speed cannot be increased by one times, at least 50% higher than before, and more importantly, the root of the holy spirit has become stronger and more vigorous, and the probability of being injured due to injury or madness has also been greatly reduced.

Beside, Shen Tinglan and the others were also full of joy. Although they only took one Yaozhi Yaodan, the change of the Holy Spirit root was more obvious because of their lower cultivation base.

Looking at Gu Fenghua again, they were all in tears. If they hadn't met Gu Fenghua, they would never have obtained such a Yaozhi Yaodan for the rest of their lives, and it was impossible for them to have such an improvement in their cultivation potential. Of course, the benefits they got from Gu Fenghua were far more than that. It can be said that from the moment they saw Gu Fenghua, their fate had completely changed!

"It's almost time, we should go." Bai Rong said with a smile.

There was no trace of fatigue in his eyes, and his already beautiful face was even more radiant.

"Monster..." Qin Hanyu and Shen Tinglan turned their heads away at the same time. They were really shocked by a man so handsome.

"Senior Brother Bai, how should we distribute these Binghuo Chijin Fruits?" Gu Fenghua took out the Binghuo Chijin Fruits he collected earlier and asked Bai Rong and said.

"Senior Sister Fenghua, these Ice Fire Chijin Fruits are not easy to come by. Besides, our cultivation base is still weak, so it's useless to hold them. You can share them." Shen Tinglan said proactively.

"Yes, we don't need it if we hold it. Senior Sister Fenghua, you three just divide it." Qin Hanyu and Hu Moyu also said.

They were already deeply ashamed of accepting the demon pill left by the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu, so why would they want to ask for the Bingyu Chijin Fruit again.

"No, everyone lives and dies together, so everyone who sees them has a share, and I can't treat you badly." Bai Rongyu said resolutely.

"Yes, we are companions, and we must not treat you badly." Gu Fenghua also said in an unquestionable tone.

"How about this, Senior Brother Bai, Senior Sister Fenghua, Senior Sister Enen, you should save enough for the task first, and if there is more left over, let us share it." Shen Tinglan hesitated for a moment, seeing Bai Rong and Gu Fenghua With a firm mind, he stopped insisting and said in a compromise.

"That's fine." Gu Fenghua nodded and said. She could see that Shen Tinglan's refusal was not out of politeness, but that she really felt guilty. If she had to force them to accept it, it would make them uneasy.

The first few layers did not find many Binghuo Chijin Fruits, but the last layer was quite fruitful. Together, they collected a total of 51 Binghuo Chijin Fruits. Three were needed to complete the trial mission, and 15 pieces were needed to get five times the reward. Gu Fenghua, Bai Rongyu, and Luo Enen each took fifteen, and the remaining six were divided equally between Shen Tinglan and the others.

Two Ice Fire Chijin Fruits per person were not enough to complete the trial task, Gu Fenghua felt somewhat ashamed, but Shen Ting Lan and the others were overjoyed, as if they had picked up a treasure.

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