"Shen Yuanzheng, Ming Yu will be fine, right?"

"You old man, you have to be very careful. Ming Yu is the only seedling of my Hua family. If something goes wrong, how can I go back and meet my eldest brother? How can I be worthy of the Hua family's ancestors."

"Shenyuan Zheng, don't worry, as long as I can save Ming Yu this time, I, Hua Qianfeng, will never forget your kindness for helping me, and I will thank you very much in the future." Hua Qianfeng became more worried as he watched, chattering endlessly.

"Shut up!" Shen Zhengxing was concentrating on controlling the holy energy, and was annoyed by him for a while, so he couldn't help shouting.

Hua Qianfeng was startled and shut up quickly.

Continually condensing the holy energy and controlling the injection of the holy energy into Hua Mingyu's meridians, the fog above Shen Zhengxing's head became thicker and thicker, but his face became paler and his eyes showed a bit of exhaustion. But fortunately, his hard work was not in vain, a poisonous thorn as thin as a needle point was slowly being forced out of Hua Mingyu's body, shining with a faint blue-green light.

"Get up!" With Shen Zhengxing's soft shout, the entire poisonous thorn was forced out of the body and suspended in mid-air.

"As expected of being the number one expert in my Yiyi Academy, the master of Liangyi Academy, Shen Yuanzheng's cultivation method is really amazing." Hua Qianfeng said sincerely, and flattered Shen Zhengxing by the way.

Although his talent is good, and there are some opportunities that ordinary people can't even look forward to, but when it comes to strength, he really can't compare with a senior like Shen Zhengxing.

"Thank you...thank you Master for saving your life." Hua Mingyu finally relaxed and said to Shen Zhengxing panting heavily.

The poisonous needle pierced into the meridian before, like a poisonous ant piercing the heart, the pain made him feel worse than death, if he didn't have a glimmer of hope for Hua Mingyuan and Shen Zhengxing, he really wished he could die.

"Small skills are nothing to worry about." Shen Zhengxing was actually exhausted, but seeing Hua Qianfeng's admiring gaze, he still waved his hands and said in a pretentious manner.

Seeing this, Hua Qianfeng's uncle and nephew looked at Shen Zhengxing with fascination. Shen Zhengxing knew something about Hua Qianfeng's background, and when he saw such a look, he felt even more secretly proud, as if he was floating.

"I don't know what kind of hidden weapon this is, so powerful?" Shen Zhengxing looked at the poisonous thorn as thin as a needle, and became curious again.

This poisonous thorn is extremely thin, but it is also extremely tough. Fortunately, Hua Qianfeng found him, otherwise, even if he finds the principals of other academies, it may be difficult to save Hua Mingyu.

"This...we don't know too well." Hua Qianfeng hesitated and said. The fewer people who know about the Xumi Realm, the better. Even Shen Zhengxing can be regarded as a grasshopper on a rope. It is best not to let him know too much, so as not to be caught by him.

"This thing is too sinister, it's better to destroy it as soon as possible." Seeing Hua Qianfeng's vague words, Shen Zhengxing guessed what he was worried about, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, circulated his holy energy and blasted towards the poisonous needle through the air.

Ever since he was poisoned with his mouth in his mouth last time, a shadow has been left in his heart. Whenever he sees the faint blue green light on this poisonous thorn, he always feels a little frightened, and he just wants to destroy it as soon as possible.

"No!" Seeing Shen Zhengxing's actions, Hua Qianfeng suddenly thought of something and shouted in panic.

"What's the matter?" Shen Zhengxing glanced at him subconsciously, only seeing the indescribable horror in his eyes, a sudden strong uneasiness surged in his heart, and he wanted to stop, but it was too late.

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