My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1982 Why don't you have a longer memory?

"Boom..." A loud thunderous sound rang in the ears, and the poisonous thorn, which was as thin as a needle, exploded violently, splitting into Shen Zhengxing's body.

Shen Zhengxing was stunned for a moment, and then fell on his back. In the blink of an eye, a layer of faint green aura appeared on his face, as if a layer of green oil had been applied.

"Help... help!" Immediately afterwards, a sharp itching and piercing pain rushed into his mind, and Shen Zhengxing groaned with difficulty.

This was not the first time he had experienced such pain, but this time, it was ten times, even a hundred times more intense than the last time!

"Master Yuanzheng, what's the matter with you?" Ke Yun'an's voice sounded from the door.

The uncle and nephew of the Hua family came in a hurry. He just received the news. He thought that even if Hua Mingyu was injured, it would not be too difficult to heal him with Master Yuanzheng's recovered strength, so he rushed over slowly. Who knew such a scene would be seen upon arrival.

Needless to say, Mr. Yuanzheng was obviously poisoned again. How long has it been since he was poisoned last time? Why doesn't he have a better memory?

Ke Yun'an came to Shen Zhengxing's side with a stride, and grabbed his veins. Soon, his face changed drastically. Compared with the last time, Mr. Yuanzheng was poisoned more deeply, and the poison was more violent.

In fact, although the innate supernatural powers obtained by absorbing the spirit of the dark-eyed demon Leimu Yaozhi are powerful, it is difficult to hurt a master like Shen Zhengxing, but Shen Zhengxing has already been exhausted to save Hua Mingyu. It's just that he put up his energy and pretended to be X in front of the Hua family's uncle and nephew. He didn't have the slightest defense at all. Even if the venomous thorn that burst into pieces pierced into his body, the poison hidden in it would completely explode. That's why he was so overbearing. .

"Come on, hurry up and ask Master Yan to come here." Of course Ke Yun'an didn't have the time to delve into the reason, and when he found out that the poison was so strong, he immediately shouted out.

"Bang." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the green-faced Mr. Yuanzheng jumping up straight like a frog with his feet bound, and fell heavily to the ground, with a look of lovelessness in his eyes.

"Wait, first invite Master Chu, Master Liu, and Master He to come here." Ke Yun'an immediately changed his words, and shouted outside again.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if it were him who had experienced the honest medical skills once, the second time would be the same lifeless love.

"Deacon Hua, let's do it together, and first protect the heart for Lord Yuanzheng." Ke Yun'an said to Hua Qianfeng again.

The poison was extremely violent, and Shen Zhengxing had no way to resist the poison when he was careless for a while, so they could only help protect his heart veins.


At the gate of Liangyi Academy, Gu Fenghua and others asked the reason, and were about to gloat and leave when they saw a disciple rushing out, and they subconsciously stopped.

"Senior Brother Shen, what happened again?" Li Yuanzheng asked the disciple curiously.

"Master Yuanzheng helped Hua Mingyu to heal his wounds. For some reason, he hurt himself. It seems that he was poisoned. I will invite some medical masters to come back." Answered, while continuing to gallop outward.

He took a quick glance just now and saw Mr. Yuan Zheng's green face, so he guessed it right.

Shen Zhengxing was injured and poisoned! Gu Fenghua and the others originally wanted to see Hua Mingyu's jokes, but they didn't expect such a result, and they almost burst out laughing together.

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