My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1985 Everyone who watched was stunned

The other medical masters knew a little bit about his medical skills, and knew that this kind of medicine jar was the most "earthly", so they didn't say much, but they all raised their sleeves to cover their noses.

Uncle and nephew of the Hua family had never seen such a battle before. They were so dizzy from the sour smell that they almost vomited out the overnight meal.

"Master Yan, does it have to be like this?" Ke Yun'an's face was also turning green from the smoke, and he asked fearfully.

"If I'm not mistaken, Lord Yuanzheng was injured by a very thin poisonous thorn. The poisonous thorn itself is not overbearing, and the poison is not too strong. It was destroyed, and even the poisonous thorns exploded, and now they turned into thousands of fine thorns and pierced into the meridians of Mr. Yuanzheng. Only by fighting poison with poison can the poison be resolved." Master Yan said.

Hua Qianfeng looked at Master Yan in surprise. This old man's medical skills are really good. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he said it verbatim. He was shocked by Master Yan.

Ke Yun'an subconsciously glanced at Hua Qianfeng. Seeing that expression, he knew that Master Yan's guess was completely correct, so of course it was hard to say anything else.

Master Yan found some medicinal materials and threw them into the medicine jar. While brewing the soup, he took out the medicine stick that looked like a shit-stirring stick and stirred it up. As a result, the smell in the hall became even more sour.

"Uh, uh, uh..." There was also a retching sound from all around.

"Come to help the dead, pour down the medicinal soup first." Master Yan said to Ke Yun'an and the others.

Several people immediately stepped forward, trying to open Shen Zhengxing's mouth. But Mr. Yuanzheng had suffered once, this time he would rather die than submit, and he gritted his teeth with all his strength.

"Let me do it." Master Yan yelled, squeezed his left hand, and squeezed Mr. Yuanzheng's chin with great skill. With his right hand, he ruthlessly inserted the bamboo tube that was as thick as an arm into his mouth, and then poured the medicinal soup into his mouth. I poured it down.

"Uh..." The poor Mr. Yuan Zheng rolled his eyes, and let out a long retching sound from his throat.

"I'm going to give an injection, you should tie him up first." After pouring the soup a few times, Master Yan took out the gold awl that was too thick for a shoe sole.

Seeing this, Shen Zhengxing, who was already very angry, didn't know where the strength came from, and struggled vigorously. Ke Yun'an and the others all attacked him, but they couldn't hold him down.

"Oh, I'll do it." Master Yan was about to give the needle, but he stopped helplessly when he saw the situation, with the gold awl in his mouth, he took out a thick black rope and walked forward. This time, he was obviously more prepared, and his appearance was obviously much more aggressive.

Without the help of Ke Yun'an and the others, Master Yan stepped on Shen Zhengxing's chest, grasping the black rope with both hands and tossing up and down. In just a moment, Shen Zhengxing was tied up like a fat pig. In the end, he took down the gold awl in his mouth, and gesticulated fiercely on his neck a few times.

"Master Yan, this is healing the wounds and poisoning of Master Yuanzheng, not killing pigs." Ke Yun'an couldn't help but think of the pig-killing sideline of cattle veterinarians besides treating cattle, and reminded him carefully.

"Oh, don't tell me I almost forgot." Master Yan patted his head, took out a rag and stuffed it into Shen Zhengxing's mouth. .

"Well..." Shen Zhengxing kicked his legs, and let out an extremely suppressed cry of grief from his nostrils, and tears of extreme sadness and despair flowed from his eyes...

Gu Fenghua and the others who watched this scene were stunned and terrified.

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