My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1986 A burst of gloating laughter

"How about we go?" Gu Fenghua said through the half-closed door, looking at the tears of despair and desolation on Shen Zhengxing's face.

This time, Master Yan came in too much haste and forgot to close the door. Gu Fenghua and others finally had the honor to see his long-rumored ingenious medical skills and thaumaturgy. .

Comparing his heart to his heart, Gu Fenghua felt that if he replaced himself with Shen Zhengxing, it would be better to simply die than suffer this living crime... In fact, the Shen Courtyard at this time thought the same way, but he couldn't circulate the holy energy, and was forced to die again. The man was tied tightly like a fat pig, with a tattered rag stuffed in his mouth, let alone committing suicide with a sword, he didn't even have the chance to bite his tongue and kill himself.

Several disciples of Liangyi Academy stood a few feet away, looking at Tantai Baiyi and his party hesitantly. When the incident happened suddenly, Ke Yun'an only told them not to approach, but forgot to tell them that outsiders should not approach, so they didn't know whether they should stop him or not when they saw Mr.

"Let's go." Fortunately, Tantai Baiyi didn't make them entangle for too long, and soon left Liangyi Academy with Gu Fenghua and others.

Until returning to Yiyuan Academy, Tantai Baiyi still had a serious expression on his face.

"Master, what's the matter with Master Yan's ancestral medical skills?" Qin Hanyu couldn't help asking, Shen Tinglan and the others also looked at Tantai Baiyi curiously.

Thinking of Master Yan's miraculous medical skills, several people's scalps felt numb, and their backs were blowing cold air, and they were even more curious about the source of his medical skills.

"This Master Yan was born in Jiu'an City. He has made a living by treating cattle for generations. According to the local people, there is only badly plowed land in the world. There is absolutely no cattle that Yan's family can't heal. As long as it is a cow, as long as it still has a breath, There is no Yan family doctor who can't be good." Tantai Baiyi said with a distant expression.

He once had a relationship with the ancestors of the Yan family, so the source of the Yan family's medical skills is much clearer than ordinary people, but speaking of it, it was thousands of years ago, and he was just a fledgling at that time. Sentimental teenager. Thinking about the ancestor of the Yan family who was also young but had a big waist and a round face, it is only natural to feel a little bit embarrassed in his heart.

"What, the cow doctor, Yan family is a veterinarian!" Of course, Gu Fenghua and the others had nothing to sigh and sigh, they all exclaimed when they heard the words.

No wonder Master Yan used such a thick bamboo tube to irrigate medicine. Isn't that what rural doctors do?

"Well, a veterinarian, but he only cares about cows. By the way, besides cows, the Yan family also has a side job, butchering pigs." Tantai Baiyi added.

"Killing a pig..." Gu Fenghua and the others broke out in cold sweat for a moment, and the image of Master Yan holding a golden needle in his mouth with a fierce face appeared in his mind, stepping on Shen Zhengxing's chest, tying him up, and then holding the golden needle on him. The scene of gestures on the neck.

Sure enough, it is the origin of family education, whether it is healing cattle or butchering pigs, Master Yan is so proficient.

"That's right, it's killing pigs. In Jiu'an City, the Yan family's pig-killing knife is also known as the best. Hahahaha, old man Shen has been proud all his life, but he was tossed into such a state by the cattle veterinarian when he was old, hahahaha..." Tantai Bai Yi couldn't hold back anymore, let out a gloating laugh.

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