My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1993 She Absolutely Unacceptable

By this time, Gu Fenghua finally understood the magical function of the Holy Soul Orb. If the Holy Soul Orb was still there, it could accommodate these holy auras that exceeded the limit, and the chance of cultivation base being completely useless would naturally be much smaller.

But those holy soul beads also shattered at the same time, and now we can only resign to fate... Wait, thinking of this, Gu Fenghua subconsciously condensed his spiritual thoughts and condensed away, and suddenly found that although those holy soul beads were also shattered at the same time as the holy beads It was opened, but it was not completely turned into powder, but turned into countless fragments, floating on the pure land of the spiritual heart.

With the swaying of the two holy spirit roots, the power of the holy source full of vitality spreads, and those fragments seem to be attracted by a mysterious force, and gradually gather to form a brand new holy soul bead. Qi Lingqi also quickly poured into it.

Gu Fenghua let out a long sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, she had already condensed the holy soul orb when she was in Nanlizong. Although it was broken into pieces this time, it was quickly healed and repaired, and the excess holy energy and spiritual power were stored in it.

If there is no ready-made holy soul orb, even if she has two innate holy spirit roots and has been tempered by the spirit washing pool, it will be difficult to conceive a new holy soul orb so quickly. In other words, by the time the new holy soul orb was conceived, she would probably have died long ago.

In addition to being afraid, Gu Fenghua was very grateful.

Unfortunately, this time, Gu Fenghua's rejoicing did not last long, and after a while, her brows that had been relaxed with great difficulty frowned again.

Being promoted to the Heavenly Sage, the holy energy in the body also undergoes a qualitative change, and it is several times stronger than before. Even with the holy soul orb, it is difficult to contain it. Fortunately, the two innate holy spirit roots are constantly swaying, and the holy source The power of the soul was injected into it, and the holy soul orb became stronger and stronger, and the internal space continued to expand.

However, the power of the holy source contained in the innate holy spirit root is not endless. Gradually, the towering luxuriant branches and leaves began to wither and wither. In order to maintain the holy soul orb, it can only absorb the seven series of spiritual energy from the pure land of the spiritual heart below. .

However, even if the spiritual pure land seems vast and boundless, it cannot cope with such consumption. Soon, the ground was dry and cracked like a turtle shell, and the bright stars became dim.

Gu Fenghua's heart sank again. The cultivation base of Tiansheng first rank is being consolidated. Most of the excess holy energy and heaven and earth aura have been merged into the holy soul orb. Why, but without the Holy Soul Orb, she would be like the two elders of Nanli Zong Changqiu, stagnant in the first rank of Tiansheng for the rest of her life, unable to take a step forward.

This is absolutely unacceptable to her!

However, with the power of the holy source contained in the two innate holy spirit roots, it is obviously impossible to maintain the holy soul orb, even if it extracts all the seven lines of spiritual energy in the spiritual heart pure land, it can't do it, oh yes, in fact, it has been drawn now It's almost done, and the pure land that is still alive now has turned into a piece of scorched earth.

"God, am I just promoted to a heavenly sage, is it necessary to be so twists and turns, is it necessary to be so dangerous?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but want to jump and curse.

In fact, this can’t be blamed on God, if it was so easy to be promoted to a real heavenly saint, there wouldn’t be so many false heavenly saints in the world. Impossible to stop here.

Feeling the continuous withering of the two innate holy spirit roots, Gu Fenghua's heart also gradually fell into the ice valley, feeling helpless and helpless like never before.


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