My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1994 Unless I am impatient to live

"Master Hua, do you really want to do it?" He Kunliang looked at Hua Qianfeng anxiously, with no one else in the Lingxin Taoist Hall.

"A few days ago, Ming Yu and I went to a Sumeru Realm. Although we were wearing masks, Gu Fenghua probably recognized us." Hua Qianfeng said in a deep voice.

"Ah, why are you so careless!" He Kunliang turned pale with fright.

Yesterday when Gu Fenghua and others returned safely, he had a premonition that something was wrong. Later, Liangyi Academy was trying to heal Hua Mingyu, but he was poisoned. He also heard a little bit about it, so it was easy to guess However, not only did the uncle and nephew of the Hua family not take advantage of it, but they also fell into Gu Fenghua's hands.

If they are planted, they will be planted. They were actually found out by the other party. If this matter is spread, Hua Qianfeng is doomed, and he is also to blame. Don't forget, they are grasshoppers on a rope.

"You don't have to worry too much, she has no real evidence, so there is nothing she can do if she guesses." Hua Qianfeng comforted her.

"It's okay, it's okay." He Kunliang breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, you have seen Gu Fenghua's aptitude with your own eyes, and her demon pets are absolutely extraordinary. Given time, her achievements will inevitably be limitless. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has soared into the sky. Our Hua family has a deep grudge against her. When we see her The day when the sky soars must be the time when my Hua family will be wiped out. We do these things, and you are also a part of He Yuanshi, do you think she will let you go?" Hua Qianfeng said coldly.

"Ah!" He Kun's face was not easy to recover some blood, and it turned pale again.

In fact, although Gu Fenghua did not have the lofty sentiments to repay grievances with kindness, he would not be able to destroy people all over the house at every turn. However, Hua Qianfeng knew that he had a deep grudge with her, so he did not dare to place his hopes on Gu Fenghua to show mercy. Besides, the powerhouse of Wuji Shengtian is respected, and it is not a big deal to destroy people all over the family for revenge. Of course Hua Qianfeng thought so. But Hua Qianfeng didn't know the friendship between Gu Fenghua and Master Hua, Hua Mingyu concealed it.

"Master Hua, what do you want to do?" He Kunliang calmed down and asked. Hearing Hua Qianfeng's words, he also felt that when Gu Fenghua's cultivation was successful, it must be the time of his own death, so he also made up his mind.

Hua Qianfeng didn't answer, but just took out a transparent jade bottle, which contained dark red liquid.

"You want to poison?" He Kunliang asked. Even though the jade bottle was covered with seals, he could still feel the disturbing, sinister aura within.

"Poisoning? This is the Spirit Washing Pond. How can poisoning here be hidden from the eyes of the court officials, unless I am impatient to live, how dare I do such a stupid thing." Hua Qianfeng curled his lips, disapproving Said.

"Then what is this?" He Kunliang asked.

"This is the blood of an ancient divine dragon whose name is Mingyou!" Hua Qianfeng said sadly.

"What!" He Kunliang was taken aback, and stepped back with horror on his face.

The evil dragon Mingyou is the most powerful and cruel ancient dragon in the legend.

In ancient times, humans and beasts co-existed, and there were many monsters and plants. The strong came out of each group in large numbers, and it was hard to distinguish who was superior. At that time, the Tianji Continent and Wuji Shengtian were not separated, and the vast land was extremely rich in resources, so there were few fights among the various races, and the entire continent was peaceful, peaceful and prosperous.

Until a magic dragon was born out of the sky, breaking the peace of the world.

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