With the power of the demonic dragon contained in the Nether Dragon's blood, it would be no problem to deal with Gu Fenghua, but Tantai Baiyi would never let it go if such a big incident happened, if any clues were left, the gain would outweigh the loss.

After all, Gu Fenghua hasn't become a big weapon yet, even if he wants to take revenge in the future, it will be in the future, it's better than being caught right now.

"The power of this dragon's blood is not a poison. Without the restriction of the seal, it will soon disappear between the heaven and the earth, and will never leave any traces. Even if Tantai Baiyi has doubts, he will never find out the real evidence What can we do to us? As for Gu Fenghua, even if he guessed something, but at that time, his spiritual root was destroyed and his cultivation base was abolished, so who would take her words seriously?" Hua Qianfeng knew what he was worried about, so he didn't take it seriously. sneered.

"Then I'm relieved, relieved." He Kunliang breathed a sigh of relief, finally completely relieved.

"Take a few steps back, and be careful not to be accidentally injured by the dragon's blood." Hua Qianfeng reminded, and as he said, he made his handprint.

What Hua Qianfeng said was to take a few steps back, but He Kunliang jumped up as if his tail was stepped on, and he jumped three feet away before stopping.

Following Hua Qianfeng's handprint, the seal on the jade bottle quietly melted, and the dark red blood in it turned into wisps of blood mist, drifting towards the spirit washing pool behind the gate of space.

Although the wisp of blood mist became much lighter after it dissipated, and the person was three feet away, He Kunliang still felt the surging tyranny in it, his face turned pale again, and the corner of Hua Qianfeng's mouth turned pale. The smile became even colder.


Looking inside, the pure land of the spiritual heart is still drying up, and the two innate holy spirit roots are also withering constantly, and there is no longer the previous vigorous vitality.

Gu Fenghua stared at everything in front of him helplessly, thought of something, took out the Xuanling Pill and swallowed it. This Xuanling Pill was obtained from his senior brother with the help of Xia Qingfan after the Nether Sand Sea Trial. It has a certain chance of transforming the Acquired Holy Spirit Root into the Innate Holy Spirit Root. Chidan at first sight.

Gu Fenghua thought that he had already possessed two innate holy spirit roots, and this Xuanling pill would definitely not be needed, and he thought that he could give it to a friend in the future, who knew that this would happen, so he could only take it by himself up.

The Xuanling pill melted in the mouth, and a stream of pure pill power rushed straight to the two innate holy spirit roots. Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up slightly, the pill power of this mysterious spirit pill was surprisingly similar to the power of the demon pill of the dark-eyed demon Leimu.

Soon, the two innate holy spirit roots that were on the verge of death regained some vitality, and continued to inject the power of the holy source into the holy soul orb, and the holy soul orb became more solid, and the internal space was further expanded.

However, Gu Fenghua's mood did not relax because of this. Compared with the demon pill of the dark-eyed demon Leimu, although the Xuanling pill is similar in nature, its pill power is too weak, and it is not enough to condense the holy soul beads The degree to which all the excess holy energy and heaven and earth spiritual energy are stored.

If the pill power is exhausted, and the excess holy energy and heaven and earth spiritual energy have not been fully injected into the holy soul bead, she can only destroy it, so as to keep the root of the holy spirit, at least not to let her cultivation become useless. Gu Fenghua had already prepared for the worst.

Suddenly, a strange red mist appeared around her, poured into her meridians, and rushed straight towards the root of the holy spirit. The red mist was so tyrannical and violent that even the white mist that was gradually thinning around it boiled up.

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