My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1997 Falling into Desperation

Gu Fenghua was taken aback, and quickly circulated his holy energy to block the red mist.

"Chi, chi, chi..." The holy air collided violently with the red mist, and in just a moment, several meridians burst from it, and several blood mist sprayed out from her body.

What a terrible power! It wasn't until this moment that Gu Fenghua could see clearly that the red mist was extremely strange, and there was a familiar yet unfamiliar aura in it.

I say familiar because this breath is very similar to the power of the phoenix. Even if it is not the power of a divine beast, it is definitely not much different. At least it is left behind after the death of the top monster beast. I say it is unfamiliar because of course she has never felt it. I have seen such a monster power.

Before he had time to care about the Holy Soul Orb and the Holy Spirit Root, Gu Fenghua immediately took out the Holy Healing Pill and swallowed it, while continuing to practice the exercises to protect the meridians and resist the invasion of the red mist.

All around, the red mist was still dissipating and getting thicker and thicker. Indistinctly, a dragon shape gathered together, the dragon's head was raised high, as if it was roaring silently.

"The evil dragon is dark!" Gu Fenghua exclaimed, with horror in his eyes.

The name of the evil dragon Mingyou is too resounding, even though Gu Fenghua has not been in Wuji Shengtian for a long time, he has seen records about it in ancient books more than once.

The shape of the dragon in the eyes is similar to the dragons depicted in the ancient books, but the dragon horns on the forehead are completely different. The other dragons have double horns on their foreheads, but this one has a triangle on their foreheads, and one of them is as black as ink, full of killing aura and supreme arrogance. This is exactly the same as the evil dragon Mingyou in the records.

Without even thinking about it, Gu Fenghua took out another bottle of healing elixir and swallowed it as quickly as possible.

Almost at the same time as she took the healing elixir, Nether Dragon Shadow let out a silent roar, waving its dragon claws and pounced on her.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" Gu Fenghua slashed out with his long sword, making his strongest blow.

The sword glow swept through the air, and it was even more powerful in this narrow space. The Dark Dragon Shadow couldn't dodge at all, allowing the sword to slash heavily on it. However, the sword light submerged into its illusory body, but did not cause any harm to it, like a stone sinking into the ocean.

Immediately afterwards, its dragon claws had already caught Gu Fenghua's shoulder. It was only a phantom dragon shape, and did not cause any physical harm to Gu Fenghua. It blasted into her meridians like a volcanic eruption.

"Chi, chi, chi!" Even though Gu Fenghua had taken the whole bottle of healing elixir, and had performed the exercises to protect the meridians of his body in advance, it was still difficult to resist the power of the berserk dragon. In just a few breaths, more than a dozen meridians burst at the same time, and blood mist sprayed out from his body.

Gu Fenghua gritted his teeth, swallowed the blood gushing to his mouth, and then suddenly pulled out a golden needle and pierced it between his eyebrows.

Just one serious injury made her realize soberly that with her own strength, she couldn't stop the evil dragon's power. If she did it as soon as possible, she could use the golden needle piercing the soul to forcibly circulate the holy energy. If she delays for another moment, she will not even have the chance to use the golden needle to pierce her soul.

Outside her body, a piece of bright red light and shadow swayed, as if a flame was burning, her body's potential was stimulated to the extreme, and she finally managed to block the tyrannical dragon power with difficulty.

However, in the pure land of spiritual heart, the two innate holy spirit roots withered at a faster speed. Just relying on the Xuanling Pill, it wouldn't last long, not to mention that Gu Fenghua used the technique of piercing the soul with golden needles to stimulate the potential of his body.

In just a dozen or so breaths, Gu Fenghua's face turned pale, and even the corners of his eyes were bloodshot. Between the eyebrows, the holy soul bead began to tremble violently, and it might burst into pieces at any moment.

Gu Fenghua smiled wryly, now that all her holy energy is used to resist the power of the dragon, she has no chance to destroy the holy soul orb.

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