My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2022 The cheers come to an abrupt end

I'm afraid this Cheng Yu is going to be unlucky. Gu Fenghua didn't have a good opinion of Shen Zhengxing, but he didn't have any prejudice against the disciples of Liangyi Academy. In fact, the disciples of other schools were also very polite to her, so she didn't want to see Cheng Yu hurt by this person.

It's a pity that the holy war platform is the only place in the entire school where you can fight each other, so once you step on the holy war platform, no one can interfere, even if she wants to stop it, it's too late.

"Duan Yixing, he is Duan Yixing!" There were few exclamations from the audience, apparently someone knew his origin, but not many.

"Yangyi Academy, Cheng Yu, please!" The disciple of the academy obviously had never heard of his background, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he raised his sword for fist.

"Do it, I'll let you do it first." Duan Yixing said contemptuously.

"What an arrogant boy, today I will let you experience the unique knowledge of my Liangyi Academy!" Enraged by his contemptuous gaze, Cheng Yu slashed out with his sword.

The sharp sword light fell on Duan Yixing's head. As expected of a master of the ninth rank of the Profound Sage, this sword cut out, as if the human sword merged into one, and the wind surged in an instant, and the sword wind howled, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore.

Under the stage, the disciples of the school were fascinated by watching, and they couldn't help cheering.

"The light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon." Duan Yixing just smiled indifferently, and the long sword in his hand seemed to be slashed casually.

"Choke!" There was another crisp sound of gold and iron.

Cheng Yu's figure flying in the air gave a sudden pause, and then, as if being hit by a boulder, he flew out with his sword.

Before he landed, a blood mist spewed out from his chest.

The cheers all around stopped abruptly, and everyone was stunned. It’s nothing more than the failure of the Five Elements Academy disciple before. Although Xuansheng’s fifth-rank cultivation is good, it’s not amazing in Yidao Academy, but this Cheng Yu’s cultivation is Xuansheng’s ninth-rank. At his age, he is definitely not weak even in the major holy sects, and he can't stop the power of the opponent's sword!

"Bang!" It wasn't until Cheng Yu fell heavily to the ground that everyone suddenly came to their senses.

"Senior Brother Cheng, Senior Brother Cheng..." Several disciples of the Liangyi Sect who had been friends with Cheng Yu rushed forward, but halfway through, they paused slightly, with expressions of indignation on their faces.

I saw Cheng Yu's face was like gold paper, with blood gushing from his chest, and a few stubbles were faintly visible in the wound. It was obvious that Duan Yixing had cut off his sternum with a sword. The time can also be restored to the original, but the holy beads between his eyebrows have changed from the original nine to eight, and the color has obviously dimmed a lot.

Obviously, this sword not only broke Cheng Yu's sternum, but also injured his spiritual root. Even if he recovers from the injury, his future achievements will be limited after all, and he will never be able to pursue the true path of the strong. It can even be said that he His way of cultivation will come to an end completely from this moment on.

"Looking for death? Now you know what real looking for death is!" Duan Yixing looked at Cheng Yu who had a miserable face in the audience, and there was no pity on his face, let alone shame, he just said contemptuously.

"You actually hurt Brother Cheng's spiritual root, you are so ruthless!"

"How dare you attack and hurt someone in my school, you clearly didn't take our envoy seriously!"

"Revenge, revenge for Senior Brother Cheng!" Duan Yixing's words completely excited the disciples in the audience, and there were roars of anger all around.

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