"My surname is Yi, don't think that you have a little strength. If you don't give us an explanation today, don't even think about stepping out of a school. Be careful that we beat your mother..." A young man was even more furious, Flying onto the stage, he pointed at Duan Yixing's broken nose.

Hua Mingyu, this guy actually has the guts to stand up for Cheng Yu. Seeing who this person was, Gu Fenghua was a little surprised, but when he looked at his red face, red ears, bared teeth and claws, he immediately realized that this guy had lost his temper and started to lose his temper again.

It's no wonder that the youngest of the Hua family has been domineering and domineering since he was a child, and he is the biggest man in the world. It was the first time in his life that he saw someone who was even more arrogant than himself. Of course he would not be convinced.

Moreover, he was the first one accepted by Shen Zhengxing for the opening of this year's Dao Academy. He is still a master of Liangyi Academy. Seeing his junior being hurt like this, if he doesn't jump out to stand up for him, Where is the face of his senior brother?

Moreover, he was hit by a cheap venomous sting in the early days. In order to save him, Shen Zhengxing was poisoned and tortured by cattle veterinarians.

Although few people knew the inside story, but when the news got out, he was still reduced to a laughing stock, and he was sulking for a long time.

When several factors were added together, it was natural to have a bullish temper. Let alone Duan Yixing who was standing on the stage, even if he was an envoy, he would dare to argue a few words.

It has to be said that as long as the temper is offended, the young master of the Hua family is quite courageous. But it's a pity that the people on the stage are more arrogant and arrogant than him, and they don't take him seriously at all.

Before Hua Mingyu's clamoring ended, Duan Yixing raised his hand and slapped him on the face.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Hua Mingyu spun around twice, and five bright red fingerprints swelled up on his face.

"You dare to hit me!" Hua Mingyu looked at Duan Yixing in a daze, as if she couldn't imagine that there were people in this world who would dare to slap him in the hall in public. Even if Gu Fenghua's demon pets bullied him in every possible way last time, they didn't seem to humiliate him like this.

Doesn't this guy even understand the truth of swearing without revealing his shortcomings, and beating without slapping him in the face? Where on earth does he have such courage? Before the young master of the Hua family figured it out, he felt his eyes go dark, and he fell off the stage with a thump, but was actually slapped by Duan Yixing and passed out.

This slap slapped Hua Mingyu's face, but at the same time, it also slapped those school disciples who were filled with righteous indignation under the stage.

To put it bluntly, Hua Mingyu's cultivation is not bad. Under Shen Zhengxing's careful guidance and Hua Qianfeng's care, he has reached the fifth rank of Profound Sage, but facing Duan Yixing's random note The slap in the face didn't even have half the strength to resist, and he was directly knocked out by the slap.

Obviously, Duan Yixing did not use his full strength in the fight with Cheng Yu just now, otherwise he would not have been seriously injured, and most likely his life would be in jeopardy.

The yelling and cursing in the audience stopped, everyone gasped, and suddenly realized that even if Cheng Yu, who had seriously injured the ninth-rank Profound Sage with a sword just now, they hadn't seen clearly the holy bead between Duan Yixing's eyebrows, his strength , How strong is it?

"Trash, a bunch of trash, with such trash disciples, a school dares to be called the head of the Eighteen Schools of Wuji Shengtian, it's a big joke, hahahaha!" Duan Yixing looked at Hua Ming who was in the audience fainting Rain, laughing wildly and unscrupulously.

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