Hearing his clamor, the eyes of the school disciples on the stage burned with anger again.

"If you don't agree, do you? If you don't agree, come up and fight with me. Let me see how powerful your school is." Duan Yixing said with contempt when he saw the anger on their faces.

The anger in the eyes of everyone in the audience was extinguished in an instant. Most of them were only as strong as Hua Mingyu, or even inferior to him. Even if someone was stronger than him, they were not as strong as Cheng Yu.

With Cheng Yu's strength, Duan Yixing couldn't force Duan Yixing to show his true cultivation. Aren't they taking the stage to humiliate themselves? It's just a matter of embarrassing themselves. Don't they have to completely embarrass a school?

"Who the hell is this guy?" Although he was very happy to see Hua Mingyu slapped in the face, Gu Fenghua was also a member of a school. He couldn't stop asking a student from the academy next to him. I remember that when Duan Yixing reported his name just now, the man exclaimed, probably knowing his origin.

"Your envoy Qingyun knows that he is the youngest disciple of the envoy Qingyun, and he can be regarded as a closed disciple at present. I heard that the envoy Qingyun loves him very much, and he was adopted as a foster son a few days ago." Gong was humiliated, but he was weak and did not dare to stand out, so he secretly felt sad, did not raise his head, and said with a sad expression.

It turned out to be the disciple of Lord Qingyun's envoy! Gu Fenghua was slightly startled. Lord Qingyun's envoy Duan Qingyun and Yiyi's envoy Zhang Yidao were both one of the six envoys under the seat of Tianji Shengjun. Of course she had heard of his name.

No wonder this Duan Yixing is so arrogant, it turns out he has such a big background!

"Why, as disciples of a school, aren't you known as the elite geniuses of the various sects? You don't even have the courage to do so, a bunch of cowards!" Seeing that no one was fighting, Duan Yixing became even more arrogant.

Gu Fenghua held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and almost couldn't bear to fight, but after hesitating, he stopped.

Three days later, they will go to the Holy Tomb to repair the formation foundation. The survival of Yiyuan Academy is at stake. The lives of Shen Tinglan and others are even in her hands. There must be no mistakes. This kind of moment is really inappropriate. ah.

"Huh, what's the point of bullying a few disciples from ordinary sects? Back then, the people from Qingyun Academy were defeated by the seniors who gave us Yiyuan Academy. They were beaten to the knees and begged for mercy. Isn't it enough to lose face?" The audience, suddenly A delicate female voice sounded.

"What did you say!" Duan Yixing's expression changed.

Thousands of years ago, a few disciples from Yiyi Academy went to Qingyun Academy to observe and practice. Some Qingyun Academy disciples relied on their own territory and humiliated them in every possible way, completely enraged those few disciples from Yiyi Academy. The two sides agreed to a showdown on the Jihad platform.

After several fierce battles, the disciples of Qingyun Academy were completely defeated, and the leader was beaten to the knees and begged for mercy by the opponent. After that, he fell into a slump and died unexpectedly in a few years of training.

That disciple was none other than the ancestor of his Duan family, and the disciple of Yiyi Academy who defeated him came from the One Yuan Academy.

It is said that because of this incident, the envoy Qingyun and the envoy almost turned against each other, and it was the Lord Shengjun who intervened to wipe this matter away.

Because it was related to the reputation of Qingyun Academy, the disciples of Yiyi Academy knew how to measure it, and did not publicize the matter, so very few people knew about it, but they didn't know how this person in the audience knew.

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