My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2026 Little White Flower's Poisonous Tongue

Although Duan Yixing is strong, no matter how strong he is, he can't go against the sky. Gu Fenghua is now a strong man in the Heavenly Sacred Realm, and he has also condensed the Holy Soul Orb, which is completely different from those pseudo-natural beings who are promoted forcibly. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid of Duan Yixing. Of course, most people who think this way don't know Duan Yixing's real identity.

"Are you a student of Yiyuan Academy?" Duan Yixing looked at Gu Fenghua following everyone's gaze, that cold gaze was filled with hatred, which was the hatred that the Duan family had accumulated for thousands of years.

"Not bad!" Gu Fenghua looked straight at Duan Yixing without fear, and flew directly onto the stage.

When that person turned Duan Yixing's spearhead to Yiyuan Academy, she knew that this battle was inevitable, and it would be better to take the initiative to fight instead of letting Duan Yixing humiliate Yiyuan Academy in every possible way.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that she would go to the Holy Tomb to repair the foundation in three days, and she didn't want to cause trouble at this time, she would have made a move long ago.

"Okay, okay, you are still a little bit courageous. If it was a different day, I might save some face for you, but it's a pity, who made you a disciple of Yiyuan Academy?" Duan Yixing said with a gloomy face.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's beautiful face clearly, his heart moved slightly, but thinking of the humiliation that the Duan family has suffered for thousands of years, how could he feel any pity and pity.

"I believe your grandparents also said this sentence back then?" Gu Fenghua smiled faintly.

Although Duan Yixing was fairly calm, Gu Fenghua could easily see the hatred in his heart from the gloomy gaze.

Don't look at this guy who looks as arrogant as Hua Mingyu on the surface, but when it comes to scheming, Duan Yixing doesn't know how much better than him. Gu Fenghua never believes it. He chooses to give in and let him wash away the shame of the family .

A person has a face, a tree has a skin, the stronger the cultivation base, the more concerned about face, especially for those families with long-standing saints. Gu Fenghua believed that Duan Yixing might still choose to forbear if he didn't go to the jihad stage, but since he was on the stage, he would never be sympathetic.

That being the case, why should she make false claims and provoke him, which is actually more beneficial to herself.

"What's your name!" Gu Fenghua didn't have to worry about it. Hearing this sentence, Duan Yixing's expression sank again, almost gnashing his teeth.

"One Yuan Academy, Gu Fenghua." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

"Gu Fenghua, right? You'll soon know what it means to have misfortune coming out of your mouth. Today, I will let you be defeated and beg on my knees to Duan Yixing." Duan Yixing licked his lips. Because of the extremely suppressed anger, his eyes were a little red.

"Is it like what your ancestors of the Duan family did?" Gu Fenghua raised his eyebrows, and said contemptuously, "I believe he must have said this sentence back then, but he certainly never thought that this sentence would fall on him on the body."

"Looking for death!" Although Gu Fenghua didn't say much, it was like sharp knives piercing the pain in Duan Yixing's heart. This was a pain that Duan's family hadn't healed for thousands of years, and he finally burst into a rage angry.

The school disciples in the audience looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise, only to realize that, despite the soft and beautiful appearance of this classmate Gu Yaolian, who is as pure and gentle as a little white flower, he is so serious when he really wants to start a verbal quarrel. vicious.

Knowing that it won't be worth the slightest advantage to talk to Gu Fenghua, Duan Yixing didn't say any more, and with that roar, the long sword stabbed straight at his face.

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