This sword is so swift and the angle is so tricky, like a bolt of lightning, or like a poisonous snake hiding among the bushes, waiting for a long time, until the last moment to deliver a fatal blow.

The hatred that had been suppressed in his heart was completely ignited, and he no longer hid his strength. A dark purple holy bead appeared between his eyebrows, and a purple halo floated around him, and behind him, the same Holy Soul Orb.

This is a sign that the peak limit of the first-rank Tiansheng is about to break through the second-rank Tiansheng.

"What a strong strength!" There was an exclamation from the audience.

In fact, when Duan Yixing defeated Cheng Yu, everyone had already speculated about his cultivation, but seeing it with their own eyes, they were still shocked.

The threshold from the Profound Sage to the Heavenly Sage can be said to be a natural moat on the path of the holy master. Most of the holy masters in this world are limited by this natural moat. Even if he was promoted, he would probably be a false heavenly sage without a holy soul orb.

Judging by his appearance, Duan Yixing is only in his early twenties, and he has already condensed into a holy soul orb, truly promoted to Tiansheng, and has reached the peak limit of the first-rank Tiansheng, only one step away from reaching the second-rank Tiansheng!

The eyes of everyone subconsciously looked at Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua's promotion to Tiansheng was witnessed by many people with their own eyes. They originally thought that with her monstrous talent and strength, it would not be difficult to deal with Duan Yixing. deep worry.

"As expected, Lord Qingyun's envoy's closed disciple really deserves his reputation." But among the crowd, not everyone lost their composure in shock, and some people who knew the details of Duan Yixing shook their heads with emotion.

"What, he is the closed disciple of Lord Qingyun's envoy!" Only then did the others know Duan Yixing's origin, and they looked at Gu Fenghua even more worriedly.

Compared to others, Gu Fenghua was much calmer. From the moment she heard Duan Yixing's origin, she knew that his strength was far from simple, not to mention the peak limit of the first-rank Tiansheng, even the second-rank Tiansheng, she would never be surprised.

If she was really surprised, it was Duan Yixing's sharpness, ingenuity, and viciousness that surprised her a bit.

Apparently, Duan Yixing's real combat strength also surpassed his cultivation by a lot. If she hadn't intentionally stimulated Duan Yixing and made him unreservedly display all his strength in a rage, he might have been caught off guard.

"One sword, break the sky!" Seeing that the other party's poisonous snake-like sword light was in front of him, and an invisible tunnel appeared in the air, as if the air was pierced by this sword, Gu Fenghua did not hesitate to use his most powerful sword. Strong sword.

After being promoted to Heavenly Sage, she can already use the fifth sword in the Eight Swords Guiyuan—a sword that breaks the sky. When it comes to power, it is still much stronger than One Sword Weeping Ghosts and Gods.

Facing such an opponent, Gu Fenghua knew that he didn't have many chances.

If they had seen Gu Fenghua's sword before, everyone in the audience might have exclaimed, but at this moment, their expressions were a little more worried.

Compared with ordinary Profound Sages, Gu Fenghua's sword is undoubtedly powerful, but compared with Duan Yixing, who is also a Heavenly Sage, the momentum of this sword is obviously much weaker.

It's no wonder that one is at the limit of the first rank of Tiansheng, one has just stepped into the realm of Tiansheng, one is the closed disciple of Lord Junshi, and the other is only a disciple of Yiyuan Academy, no matter how evil Gu Fenghua is, in terms of cultivation , In terms of sword skills, it is also stronger than the true biography of the emperor's envoy. What's more, who can be accepted into the family by the emperor's envoy, or even adopted as a son, is there anyone who is not a monster.

The hearts of the disciples in the audience kept sinking and sinking.

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