My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2055 Young people are very popular

"There are really people who dare to bet." Everyone looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise, except for a school disciple, few people recognized who this beautiful girl was.

"5,200 mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones." It would be fine if no one offered a price, but the moment Gu Fenghua opened his mouth, the refiner couldn't sit still.

Although he didn't have the slightest confidence in repairing this guqin, if he used it for enlightenment, it should be of great benefit to him in improving his skill in refining equipment. It is really unwilling to just watch others take it away.

"Five thousand three." After a pause, Gu Fenghua spoke again, obviously hesitating.

"Five thousand and four." The craftsman thought about it for a while, and increased the price accordingly.

"Five thousand and five."

"Five thousand six."


Although the two kept raising the auction price, it was not as fierce as other people's previous auctions. The price increase was only an increase of one hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and both of them showed hesitation.

If the two people's bidding is more intense, and they show more or less determined to win, other people may also be tempted, but seeing the two of them, they are hesitant, obviously they are constantly weighing and hesitating. Whether it's worth it or not, of course, other people are not interested in it, and there is no one who followed the auction.

"Six thousand and nine."

"Seven thousand." When Gu Fenghua shouted out the price again, everyone around was stunned. Although the price increase by the two of them was very small, unconsciously or subconsciously, this Guqin was raised to the price of 7,000 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

This time, the refiner hesitated for a longer time. At such a price, it seems a bit worthless to buy a guqin that cannot be repaired at all to understand the art of refinement.

"Seven thousand one." After thinking for a while, he still added another hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

Gu Fenghua's face darkened, looking at the craftsman, his eyes were clearly filled with anger.

Seeing this, others are not surprised. If Gu Fenghua didn't open his mouth, most of the guqins would be uninterested, and they would have to fail in the end. However, as soon as she opened the product, the old man was also moved, and accidentally raised the price to 7,100 pieces of medium quality. Holy Spirit Stone, it feels like he deliberately opposed her, and anyone would be angry if he changed it.

"Senior Sister Gu, why don't you just forget about it. The possibility of repairing this guqin is very slim. Five thousand middle-grade holy spirit stones are already a sky-high price, so there is no need to add more." A school disciple said kindly to Gu Fenghua .

"That's right, Senior Sister Gu, don't be arrogant, he just wants to give it up to her." Another disciple of the academy also persuaded.

Gu Fenghua's talent and strength have already impressed all the disciples of the school. Today, he defeated Duan Yixing and saved the dignity of a school. He also donated pills to Cheng Yu regardless of the previous suspicions with Liangyi Shu. His mind is even more admirable. None of them wanted to see Gu Fenghua being impulsive and wasting money for nothing out of anger.

"Hmph, it's just a few thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, I can afford to lose, eight thousand!" Gu Fenghua snorted coldly, and directly raised the auction price from seven thousand one to eight thousand.

When she was calling for the price, her face was slightly red, and her eyes were full of anger. It seemed that she didn't listen to the persuasion of other school disciples at all, and she shouted such a price more for a gamble.

Seeing this, everyone around shook their heads secretly, young man, his temper is still a bit too anxious. But this is also understandable, no one was young and energetic, and if they were replaced, they might not be able to swallow this bad breath when they were young.

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