It's just that this girl looks delicate and weak, where did she get so angry? I don't know which rich and famous daughter she is, and how was she spoiled at home before?

The refiner frowned, and of course he could see that Gu Fenghua was acting in a fit of anger. To be honest, he had already regretted the bidding price of 7,001 before. He directly raised the auction price to 8,000, so there was no need for him to continue fighting.

With a sweeping gaze, Gu Fenghua easily understood the meaning in everyone's eyes, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although she was born in the prime minister's family, she has never been a pampered young lady, let alone a hint of arrogance that a young lady often has. How could she use thousands of middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones to waste water? Piao still had a few bubbles, but if he threw it away, he might not even have a bubble.

As for being angry? Are you kidding, is Miss Gu Jiawu the kind of person who is angry? Don't forget, she was regarded as a waste material since she was a child. She has been ridiculed and ridiculed in secret. If she wants to be angry, she would have killed herself so many times .

"The first time for eight thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones...the second time for eight thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, is there any price increase..." The refiner didn't speak again, Zhang Qingsong looked at him expectantly, Drawn out the tone.

"I give up." The craftsman was also clean and tidy, and he chose to give up without waiting for him to continue to whet people's appetite.

"It's the third time for the eight thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones to be sold." Zhang Qingsong had no choice but to knock down the auction hammer.

Every time the auction was completed before, there would be cheers from the audience, but this time, everyone just shook their heads in unison. Just to take a gamble, it's not worth wasting 8,000 middle-grade holy spirit stones to buy a magic weapon that can't be repaired at all.

However, Gu Fenghua didn't have any awareness of wasting money for nothing. He raised his head and glanced at the old man, his eyes were full of complacency.

Seeing this, everyone around sighed secretly: I don't know which descendant this is, such a prodigal family, how can I marry in the future! Well, Miss Luo's tiankeng aura was accidentally transferred to Gu Fenghua's head.

Unfortunately, while everyone sighed, no one noticed the sly smile in Gu Fenghua's eyes.

According to the rules of an auction, both parties should pay the money and deliver the goods. However, Zhang Qingsong did not send someone to bring down the guqin, but said to Gu Fenghua, "If you can unlock the secret of this guqin and tell its origin, you can get rid of 30% of the commission. Do you want to try it now?" try?"

"Alright, then I'll try it." Gu Fenghua said without hesitation.

"Senior Sister Gu, this guqin is very valuable, why don't you put it away first, study it carefully, and try it later, it's not too late." A student from the academy not far away kindly persuaded.

When Zhang Qingsong said to have a try, of course he meant attacking the guqin with holy energy, thereby awakening the spirit of the instrument. But this method is too risky, and there is a 99% chance that it will completely destroy Guqin. Eight thousand mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones is not a small amount, and when converted into top-grade Holy Spirit Stones, it would be a total of eighty pieces. Gu Fenghua didn't feel bad, but they all felt bad.

"What's the difference between the trial in the future and the trial now? Why waste energy?" Gu Fenghua said disapprovingly, and then gave the craftsman a provocative look.

Well, everyone can see that this young lady is still angry.

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