My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2057 The Legendary Suzaku Relic Music Qin

Gu Fenghua doesn't care what they think. In fact, other people have such thoughts, which is exactly the result she wants. If others don't regard her as a prodigal lady who can only be angry, how can she use such a low price? Take a picture of this guqin?

Withdrawing his provocative gaze, taking three steps as two, Gu Fenghua quickly came to the auction stage, took a close look at the guqin, and then raised his palm with condensed holy spirit. A purple holy bead also appeared between her eyebrows.

"Tiansheng Yipin!" Unexpectedly, this bad-tempered young lady has such a cultivation level, and there were exclamations from the audience.

"Let me remind you again, if the attack is a bit stronger, this guqin may be completely destroyed." Zhang Qingsong was also a little surprised by Gu Fenghua's strength, so he reminded again.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few thousand mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones." Gu Fenghua has the air of a dandy young lady, but he has learned it well.

After finishing speaking, Gu Fenghua counted 8,000 mid-grade holy spirit stones and handed them to Zhang Qingsong. He held the guqin with one hand and patted the strings with his palm.

"Zheng!" The air was surging, and the only remaining string made a clear sound like a fairy sound, and everyone's heartstrings seemed to be plucked at the same time.

The scorched body of the piano, as if it had been burned by thunder and fire, shone brightly in an instant, revealing mysterious and profound runes. A spirituality that only a divine weapon or a semi-sacred weapon diffused.

It worked, she actually succeeded! Feeling the spirit, everyone was dumbfounded.

"The Suzaku Legacy Qin, this is the Suzaku Legacy Qin made by Ye Qingli, the master of the Ancient Utensils and Taoism!" A sudden exclamation came from the crowd.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and followed his line of sight at the same time.

On the glowing guqin, a dazzlingly red drop of blood appeared. The blood gradually dispersed and turned into a fiery red mist. In a vague way, the shape of a divine bird was condensed.

"The Suzaku Legacy Qin is indeed the Suzaku Legacy Qin refined by Ye Qingli, the master of ancient utensils and Taoism!" The others also exclaimed.

Luo Enen and the others were also surprised. Based on their understanding of Gu Fenghua, they certainly knew that she was not the kind of arrogant young lady who couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north when she was impulsive. It must be because of this guqin that she took pictures of it. The origin is extraordinary, but I never thought that this is the legendary Suzaku legacy piano.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a master of weapon refining named Ye Qingli, whose skill of refining weapons was unrivaled in the world, and was admired by the world.

However, this master craftsman had a regret. He was fond of rhythm since he was a child, and he was good at playing the piano, but he never found a good piano that he liked, so he spent most of his life trying to make a piano by himself. However, something was still missing from the piano, and the sound of the piano could not satisfy him.

Ye Qingli played the qin every day, thinking about what is wrong with the qin. One day, when he was playing the qin with all his attention, a divine rosefinch landed in the courtyard. Attracted by the sound of the qin, he even sang a song and sang in unison with it, and the sound of the qin became perfect. Ye Qingli was immersed in it, until the end of the song, when the Suzaku bird left, he suddenly realized.

From then on, Ye Qing suddenly realized that he spent the rest of his life, and finally made a peerless famous piano. At the time when the piano was made, that divine bird Suzaku reappeared and sang together with it. He even spit out a drop of the beast's essence blood, which melted into the body of the piano.

Originally, Ye Qingli only made this violin for the melody, and didn't use too much refining skills, so although the timbre of this violin is perfect, it can be called the sound of heaven, but from the perspective of a magic weapon, it can only be regarded as very ordinary , but with that drop of Suzaku's blood essence, it will be different. Relying on the spirit energy of the beast, this guqin has become a semi-divine weapon, and there are many mysteries, some aspects are even incomparable to a divine weapon.

This Guqin has since been called the Suzaku Remaining Music Qin!

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