Since the boulder in front of me was fused together with several kinds of fine gold and mithril by means of refining techniques, its nature should be completely changed. How could it be the previous fine gold and mithril? Is this obviously unreasonable?

"The old man is right. This is indeed several kinds of fine gold and mithril melted together, but its attributes have not changed at all." Zhang Qingsong personally presided over the auction. His attention was completely shifted from Gu Fenghua's body to the fine gold and mithril, and then he said with a smile.

"How could this be?" Immediately, someone in the audience asked doubtfully.

"According to my speculation, this fine gold and mithril fell in nine days, and when it fell, the flames burned, thus melting several kinds of fine gold and mithril together." Zhang Qingsong replied.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience suddenly realized. When meteors fall from the sky, they will indeed burn with flames. The heat and temperature are comparable to ordinary fire. It is true that several kinds of fine gold and mithril can be fused together, but because there is no refining handprint, it will not activate the way of heaven and earth. The attributes of Mithril will not change.

It's just because this kind of meteorite gold is too rare, so they didn't react for a while.

"Then what is the use of this fine gold and mithril?" The young man under the stage asked again.

"I have used my divine sense to investigate carefully. Inside this round stone, there is also a very high-grade fine gold and mithril wrapped, which may have reached the heavenly grade, or even the emperor's grade!" Zhang Qingsong said.

"Emperor!" There was an uproar in the audience. Unlike Tianji Continent, in Wuji Holy Heaven, there is a clearer grade division of fine gold and mithril. According to its rarity and the strength of the refining magic weapon, it corresponds to the grade of the holy cultivator. Emperor Grade is the highest level among them.

The two asked and answered, and pushed the atmosphere in the auction to Gao Chao. If Gu Fenghua hadn't recognized the young man as a disciple of a school, they would have suspected that he was invited by the city lord.

"My lord, are you sure that what's hidden in it is Tianpin or Emperor's fine gold and mithril?" the student from the academy who was suspected of being a child in the audience asked again. This question somewhat washed away his excuse.

"How can I be sure of this, it's just speculation." Zhang Qingsong said.

"How much is the price of fine gold and mithril?" the craftsman asked impatiently. Before he hesitated for a while, he missed the Suzaku Remaining Music Qin. This time, he couldn't miss it no matter what. Let’s not talk about the grade of the fine gold and mithril, just say that this meteorite comes from outside the sky, and the three kinds of fine gold and mithril were fused in one place with the fire of the nine heavens, but the attributes are completely unchanged, so it is worthy of his study up.

"Don't worry, old man." Zhang Qingsong made a calm gesture and said, "Although the fine gold and mithril wrapped in this meteorite have reached the heavenly grade, or even the emperor grade, but what is melted outside is There are three kinds of pure gold and mithril, water cloud sand, red cloud silver, and sky cloud gold, it is not easy to break it open and get the fine gold and mithril inside."

"Shuiyunsha, Chiyunyin, Tianyunjin!" There was a gasp in the crowd, and many people even took a few steps back quietly.

Even if many people are not very proficient in the art of refining weapons, they must have heard of the names of these three types of fine gold and mithril. Speaking of which, these three kinds of fine gold and mithril are not too rare, and their grades are not high, but they are a taboo in the crafting world when they are combined together.

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