My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2062 Others are so stupid, she is pretending to be stupid

The five elements of water, cloud and sand belong to water, red cloud and silver belong to fire, sky cloud and metal gold, the three are mutually restrained, if they are combined together, nine out of ten will explode.

When it splits apart, its power is definitely comparable to that of a top magic weapon. Even the heavenly saints can hardly deal with it calmly, and they may be injured.

Except for those top forging masters, even grand masters, no one dared to use these three kinds of fine gold and mithril together.

Fortunately, as early as ancient times, craftsmen had already discovered this taboo, and these three kinds of fine gold and mithril were also easy to distinguish, and there were not many people who were killed by bombing in history.

"Don't worry, everyone. I have teamed up with several master craftsmen to seal the meteorite. Even if it explodes, it won't hurt you, it will only destroy the fine gold and mithril inside." Zhang Qingsong said.

Hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the starting price for this meteorite?" the craftsman asked, but his voice was much lower, and he was no longer as determined as before.

"The starting price of this meteorite is 2,000 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and the price should not be lower than 100 each time. It's the same as the Guqin just now, because I don't know what kind of fine gold and mithril it is. If someone can help us Answering questions and resolving doubts, the auction commission will not be charged." Zhang Qingsong finished.

Under the stage, the audience was cold again. Two thousand medium-grade holy spirit stones are not too expensive. If you can get out the fine gold and mithril, even if it is only a heavenly grade, you can make a fortune.

But don't forget, the three kinds of fine gold and mithril wrapped outside are Shuiyunsha, Chiyunyin, and Tianyunjin. It is not so easy to cut them apart. If it is said that Gu Fenghua took the risk before and only lost money, this time, he gambled his life.

Moreover, Zhang Qingsong also said that the judgment that heavenly grade or even emperor grade fine gold and mithril is hidden in this meteorite is just his speculation, and it is too worthless to gamble his life for his speculation.

"Two thousand and one hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones." The refiner hesitated for a while, and finally added one hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones.

"Two thousand two." As soon as the words finished, Gu Fenghua's voice was heard.

Turning his head around, he saw Gu Fenghua's flamboyant face and the provocative look in his eyes.

Apparently, this spoiled young lady was still brooding about the other party's previous intrusion, and started to get angry again.

"Two thousand and three." The craftsman frowned and added another hundred.

"Three thousand."

"Three thousand one."

"Four thousand!" Miss Gu Wu, who was violently bursting out with dandyism, didn't have the time to beat the other one hundred and one hundred, and directly lifted it up by one thousand and one thousand.

In the past, Gu Fenghua thought it was foolish to see those dandies in Xinghua capital spending money like water, but today he tried it himself, and it feels very fast. After all, others are really stupid, and she is pretending to be stupid.

Although Gu Fenghua's face was so flamboyant that he almost had the words "I'm a dude" engraved on his forehead, but the people around him didn't think there was anything wrong.

In the last Guqin auction, no one cared about it, but when Gu Fenghua asked for the price, the old man stepped in, that is, Gu Fenghua was lucky and awakened the spirit of the instrument, otherwise he would take thousands of middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones for nothing. No one can swallow this breath.

There is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, Fang is the true nature of a holy teacher, and a young person should enjoy grievances and enmities. If he can't even lose his temper, what's the point of living like a bad old man in a depressed mood?

"Forget it, take it if you want." The craftsman finally chose to give up.

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