My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2142 The only thing I feel lucky about is

But recently, purple soul beasts appeared frequently in Wuji Shengtian, either, they found a bigger gap, or, a strong person was born among the purple soul beasts, tearing the original gap.

Although Gu Fenghua prefers the former, but looking at the hordes of beasts swarming in, she feels that the latter is more likely, and the owner of the beast roar may be the strong man who tore the gap. The monster soul fog in front of her eyes should be formed by the condensation of its beast spirit!

If they wait until this strong man comes to the holy tomb, they will definitely die.

The only thing that makes Gu Fenghua feel lucky is that, just like many strong human beings like to pretend to be X, and will never make a move until the critical moment, so does this strong man among the purple soul beasts.

However, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to expect the strongest of the beasts to keep pretending, keep his mind steady, and slash out with all his strength with the long sword in his hand.

One sword, two swords, three swords! Gu Fenghua used all his strength to slash three swords in succession.

Three beams of sword light fell down like lightning, and the fog of the demon soul was finally cut off in half, leaving only the last foot.

However, these three sword strikes almost exhausted all of Gu Fenghua's holy energy, even the hand holding the sword trembled involuntarily, and there was a sharp pain in his mind.

During the teleportation formation, the hearts of Cheng Yu and the others trembled.

While condensing the shield with all their strength to protect themselves, of course they would not forget Gu Fenghua. Seeing her slashing out with several swords, they finally solved their doubts and knew why she gave up the natural barrier of the teleportation formation and flew out.

Although they don't know what the purple mist is, they can also guess that the reason why the teleportation formation cannot be activated must be related to the purple mist. Only by cutting it through can they leave the holy tomb alive.

At the top of a peak, Tantai Baiyi and the others watched this scene and clenched their fists nervously.

Unlike Cheng Yu and other school disciples, they knew everything about the demon soul fog and what Gu Fenghua was doing.

However, the power of the demon soul mist surprised even them. You know, Gu Fenghua is a strong man in the Heavenly Sacred Realm. Looking at the entire Wuji Holy Heaven, he is enough to be called the leader of the younger generation, but he can't cut through the demon soul fog even after several sword strikes.

Then, how powerful the master of this demon soul mist should be!

If it weren't for the fact that this teleportation formation can only teleport in one direction every time it is activated, Tantai Baiyi and the others would have rushed into the holy tomb long ago. But now, they could only watch from afar, anxious like ants on a hot pan.


"One sword, just one sword, can completely cut off this demon soul fog!" Gu Fenghua bit the tip of his tongue, forced himself to stay awake, and raised the long sword again.

The boundless roar of beasts rang in her ears one after another, and more than half of the purple soul beasts that had besieged Cheng Yu and the others also split up and rushed towards her frantically.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, a defensive necklace shattered and turned into a silver star.

"Crack!" Another necklace shattered violently.

During the teleportation formation, the hearts of all the disciples of the academy were raised to their throats.

Gu Fenghua's expression was unusually calm. One sword, only one chance, and she can only make one more sword! All the holy energy, all the mind, are integrated into this sword.

"One sword, break the sky!" Finally, the long sword fell again.

The loud noise is like thunder, and the sun is shining!

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