The fog of the demon soul was finally cut off by her sword. The spiritual thoughts of Tantai Baiyi and the others flowed into the formation without barriers.

A mysterious halo appeared in the teleportation formation. In the blink of an eye, several disciples disappeared from sight, and the next moment, they appeared on a peak.

No matter Tantai Baiyi and others on a peak, or Cheng Yu and others in the teleportation formation, they all heaved a long sigh of relief, and their faces showed ecstasy, but soon, their smiles froze on their faces again.

With the last sword slash, Gu Fenghua staggered and almost fell to the ground, with a streak of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. This strike not only exhausted her whole body's holy energy, but even stimulated her potential to the extreme. Under the huge counter-shock force, her meridians also ruptured.

The worst thing was that at the same time as the demon soul mist was cut off, the last few defensive necklaces on her body were also completely broken. The purple soul beasts surrounding it were unstoppable, and rushed towards Gu Fenghua at the same time, the cold light shone like sharp claws made of fine steel, releasing the chill of death.


"Senior Sister Gu!" In the exclamation, Luo Enen, Cheng Yu and others rushed out of the teleportation formation at the same time, and attacked the purple soul beasts surrounding Gu Fenghua.

A series of sword lights fell mercilessly on the purple soul beasts, and they did not resist, allowing the sword lights condensed by the holy energy to cut through their bodies, smash their bones, and take their lives, but rushed towards Gu Fenghua without fear of death.

In a short while, dozens of purple soul beasts fell under the swords of Luo Enen, Cheng Yu and other academy powerhouses, but at this time there were hundreds of purple soul beasts surrounding Gu Fenghua, even if they tried their best, how could they kill them all. Seeing that Gu Fenghua was about to be overwhelmed by the herd of beasts and torn to pieces, Luo Enen and the others wanted to tear apart.

In the teleportation formation, those disciples who had not been teleported out also had red eyes, and then hundreds of disciples rushed out, but how could they save Gu Fenghua in such a hurry?

Suddenly, a green vine appeared beside Gu Fenghua, trembling violently, the needles all over his body shot out like a goddess scattering flowers.

"Bitch!" Luo Enen, Shen Tinglan and the others cheered at the same time.

The next moment, those purple soul beasts that were rushing towards Gu Fenghua stopped suddenly as if they were petrified in an instant, and then, a burst of "bang bang bang bang" thunder came from them.

In a short time, more than half of the purple soul beasts were blown to pieces and were killed on the spot, and the rest were also blown to pieces. Even if they were not dead, they would not pose a serious threat to Gu Fenghua for a while.

What a terrifying demon plant supernatural power! That's all for Luo Enen, Shen Tinglan and others. They had seen the domineering supernatural powers learned from the dark-eyed demon Lei Mu in a Xumi Realm, and they were not too surprised. The other school disciples were all stunned, subconsciously stopped, and cheered one by one.

Hua Mingyu was also among them, tears filled his eyes with excitement, but he completely forgot that he was also tortured a lot by the strange magical power of this demon plant - oh yes, the one who was tortured the most was Shen Zhengxing, and he was not that miserable.

"Go!" Gu Fenghua shouted at them.

Although relying on the low-level supernatural power to erupt, she finally escaped, but she knew that the matter was not over yet, and the owner of the demon soul mist was the biggest threat. Only by returning to a school as soon as possible, could they truly escape.

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