My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2359 Why do you care so much

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai nodded, deeply agreeing with Gu Fenghua's statement.

But not long after, they knew that Gu Fenghua guessed wrong this time.

Guo Yuting and others led the way, and there was a small path to walk. It took only half a month for them to arrive at Qingyangzong.

In front of me was a deep valley, with a tall archway erected at the entrance, engraved with three large characters of "Qingyangzong", the characters were vigorous and powerful, but it was obvious that the archway was newly established, and the characters were also newly engraved, which obviously lacked a bit of ancient meaning, and therefore did not have the sense of majesty and solemnity of the ancient sect.

Standing under the archway and looking inward, one can see misty clouds and mists in the valley, and the sect buildings are hidden among them, which seems a bit remote, but if you look closely, these buildings are also recently completed, obviously lacking some ancient charm.

It turns out that Qingyang Sect is a newly established sect! It was only then that Gu Fenghua and the others suddenly realized that a newly established sect could have so much foundation and financial resources, it's no wonder that Qingyang Sect is so poor.

"Eldest brother, third senior brother, you're back? Hey, little senior brother, aren't you practicing in seclusion? Why are you with senior senior brother and third senior brother?" Several Shouzong disciples greeted Guo Yuting and Xu Changxin happily when they saw Guo Yuting and Xu Changxin, and were surprised when they saw Tang Xiuyuan. It seemed that they didn't know that he had sneaked out of the sect.

Tang Xiuyuan shrank her neck quietly and hid behind Guo Yuting.

"Hurry up and report to the suzerain, and tell the old people of Yidao City, Senior Gu Fenghua, Senior Luo Enen, and Senior Junlan Shengjun, to come to visit." Fortunately, Guo Yuting was afraid of neglecting Gu Fenghua and the others, so he didn't bother to mention his affairs at all, so he eagerly ordered several disciples who guarded the sect. Worried about their procrastination, he called Gu Fenghua and the others again as seniors.

senior? Looking at the young faces of Gu Fenghua and the others, the disciples who kept the sect couldn't connect with the seniors, they were full of doubts. But seeing that the elder brother was so serious, he didn't dare to ask more questions, and ran towards the Zongmen hall quickly.

"Fenghua, Enen, it's really you who are here! Come on, my Qingyang Sect is really full of splendor!" Soon, I saw an old man floating out of the valley, and laughed loudly from a distance, it was Yu Boqian who had met once in Yidao City.

"Senior Brother Yu, you're too polite. I'm afraid I'm going to disturb your old man's recuperation." Gu Fenghua and the others said politely, half-jokingly.

"What to say, what to say, Junior Sister Fenghua and Senior Sister Enen are willing to visit Qingyang Sect, but I can't even dream of it, I can't even look forward to it." Yu Boqian said with a smile.

When he invited Gu Fenghua and others to Qingyang Sect as guests, it was not out of politeness, but a sincere invitation, but in his mind, with Gu Fenghua's aptitude and cultivation base, it is the right way to improve his strength as soon as possible, how could it be possible to waste time by coming to Qingyang Sect, so their arrival was completely unexpected.

But he didn't know that Gu Fenghua and others came to Qingyang Sect entirely because of Gui Yezi's words. As for the reason, even Gu Fenghua can only guess a little bit, but he can't be sure.

In fact, after coming to Qingyang Sect, Gu Fenghua became even more curious about the relationship between Gui Yezi and this sect: This sect was obviously newly established, even if Gui Yezi was born in Wuji Holy Heaven, he shouldn't have anything to do with them, right? Why does he care so much?

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