My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2360 Of course I won't just sit idly by

While speaking, Yu Boqian led Gu Fenghua and the others into the sect and walked towards the main hall of the sect. On the way, Gu Fenghua asked Fatty Bai's identity casually, but of course he didn't hide it. Hearing that this fair and clean fat man is the young master of the Ku Zen School, Yu Boqian was secretly surprised, and he must be polite. Fortunately, the white fat man has a gentle temperament, and he has no dandyism from a family member at all, so he doesn't feel that he is born.

"By the way, Yuting, how did you meet Fenghua?" When he came to the main hall, Yu Boqian first ordered someone to prepare a dinner for Gu Fenghua and the others to wash away the dust, and then he made tea himself, and asked curiously.

"This time we went to Manghuang Mountain, thanks to Master Gu's rescue, we were able to come back alive. Later, we were besieged in Longyin Mountain, and it was due to Master Gu's rescue..." Guo Yuting explained the matter in detail.

"So it's like this, Fenghua, Enen, Lansheng, I really want to thank you this time. Qingyang Sect has recorded this kindness, and it will be rewarded in the future." After hearing the whole story, Yu Boqian said gratefully.

"Senior Brother Yu is out, we are friends, Qingyang Sect disciples are in trouble, so we can't stand by and watch." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

"It stands to reason that I should give generous gifts to you for saving Yuting and others, but now that the Qingyang Sect is struggling, it's really rude to not give a decent gift." Although Gu Fenghua said so, Yu Boqian said with a face of shame.

"Senior Brother Yu, is there something difficult about Qingyang Sect?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help asking.

She had noticed a long time ago that Yu Boqian was genuinely happy to see them coming to the workshop, but there was always a bit of worry hidden in his eyes, which he couldn't hide no matter how hard he tried.

"Well, it's a long story..." Yu Boqian sighed and was about to say something when a cold snort came from the direction of the valley, "Let Yu Boqian come out and see me!"

Although the voice was not loud, it was full of air, and it was transmitted to several people's ears without missing a word.

"Sovereign Lord is entertaining distinguished guests, please wait a moment, we will go to report right away." Then came the voices of several Shouzong disciples who lacked confidence.

"An honored guest? What an honored guest can compare to my lord's lord, call Yu Boqian to come out quickly, or carefully demolish the archway of your sect!" An arrogant and arrogant voice came.

"Presumptuous, how dare you disrespect my suzerain and my Qingyang sect!" The disciple of the sect guard drew out his long sword with a swipe.

"Dare to draw your sword in front of my lord suzerain, you're looking for death!" A muffled groan sounded, and everyone around shouted in surprise, obviously the disciple who kept the sect was knocked away by someone's palm.

"Fenghua, Enen, Lansheng, you sit down first, and I'll come as soon as I go. Yuting, you stay with the uncles well, and you must not neglect." Yu Boqian couldn't sit any longer, and bowed to Gu Fenghua and the others with an embarrassed expression, and then walked out quickly.

Guo Yuting and the others also got up at the same time, but they could only sit down when they heard the order from the suzerain, with expressions of resentment.

"Fenghua, go and see, who is it that dares to bully Qingyangzong!" Gui Yezi's voice suddenly sounded in Gu Fenghua's ears, full of uncontrollable anger.

Gu Fenghua had already guessed that he had some inextricable connections with the Qingyang Sect, and hearing the anger in his words, of course he would not sit idly by, and followed him out.

Guo Yuting and Xu Changxin looked at each other and quickly followed behind her.

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