My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2438 Reversing black and white and talking nonsense is shameless!

You actually have the face to say that the two are in love with each other and the love is deep-rooted, and that you took advantage of their chance to escape and make a private decision for life, please take a good look at your eldest lady's face and body, okay?

We are old, our eyes are no better than when we were young, but our ears are still intact. Do you really think we can't hear how sad and helpless the gagged murmur of the newly departed couple in the sedan chair is?

It's really shameless nonsense that reverses black and white!

The slander belongs to the slander, but after hearing such an explanation, the faces of the suzerain elders softened a lot. It's right to think about it, how could it be an ordinary person who can make Niu Yuchi so sentimental, even give up three thousand weak waters and only take this ladle to drink, he must have a good background. How could it be possible for the master behind him to watch him being ruined by the eldest lady of the Niu family?

I heard that his master is not weak, and with Niu Qianding's cultivation, he was only superior in skill to force him back, so Yuchizong should take more precautions. After all, due to the Yuchi Sect's despotic power this time, quite a few suzerain elders came to congratulate him. If someone got in and spoiled the good things of Miss Niu's family, Niu Qianding's own face would have nothing to do with it.

"This is the order of the suzerain of the old man, this is the order of the elders of the old man, you can test it for as long as it takes." Although he was still a little bit annoyed, he didn't know that Niu Qianding's fuss was not intended to humiliate them, the first few suzerain elders calmed down a lot and took out their respective tokens.

"Fenghua, did you bring the token of the sect? We didn't bring our disciples with us this time. We only brought the order of the elders of the suzerain, not the token of the disciple." Chen Wanqiao asked Gu Fenghua.

Who would have thought that Gu Fenghua and the others came to the Yuchi Sect for other purposes, and they did not have the slightest doubt, but as the suzerain elders, who would carry the disciple's token with them, even if they wanted to bring Gu Fenghua and the others in, there was nothing they could do.

"I brought the disciple token, but the invitation card is on the uncle's body." Gu Fenghua prevaricated.

Knowing that Yuchizong was not wary of them, she was relieved. She and Luo Enen did have the order of the disciples of the Nanli Sect, Fatty Bai also had the order of the young master of the Kuchan Sect, Yu Boqian also had the order of the suzerain of the Qingyang Sect, but what Niu Qianding guarded against was that someone sneaked into the Yuchi Sect and ruined the lifelong event of the precious daughter, so how could their tokens get in there.

Especially for Fatty Bai's young master of the Jun family, it would be fine if he didn't take it out, but once he took it out, I don't know how many eyeballs would be shocked and what kind of uproar would it cause? When the time comes, all eyes will be on him, how can he save people?

How can anyone sneak into the Yuchi Sect without anyone noticing it? Gu Fenghua was helpless.

What's worse is that the previous suzerain elders have checked the tokens and have already entered the Yuchi Sect. It won't be long before the others enter the Yuchi Sect. Only a few of them will be left, and they will definitely attract the attention of those disciples who keep the sect. At that time, there is no need to interrogate them carefully, just ask them which sect they come from, and they will definitely show their feet. With the guardian array, they will not even have a chance to escape.

"Master Situ is here, Master Situ is here!" At Gu Fenghua's critical moment, those disciples who kept the sect suddenly said in surprise, each of them trembled with excitement, and their eyes gleamed brightly.

"My lords, please wait a moment. I will invite you in after I welcome Master Situ into the sect." Excited, they didn't even bother to check the tokens. After apologizing, they left Chen Wanqiao and others where they were, and then quickly walked towards the steps where they came.

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