My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2439 Meet the old liar again

Turning his head and looking around, he saw eight disciples of Yuchi Sect carrying a soft sedan chair towards the sect gate. An old man on the sedan chair was wearing white clothes, feather fan and scarf.

"Who is this person, such a big publicity?" An elder who was left on the spot said with doubts and dissatisfaction.

"Master Situ, could it be the Master Situ from Danling Mountain?" Chen Wanqiao stared at the old man, pondered for a while, and said guessing.

"You're talking about that Danjun Yunmiao who is known as the unparalleled Alchemist!" The eyes of the old man who asked the question lit up.

"Other than him, who else has such a big ostentation? I have seen Danjun Yunmiao once from a distance, so I should not admit my mistake." Chen Wanqiao's face showed a bit of respect.

Hearing this, the other suzerain elders were all in awe, and there was no trace of resentment on their faces.

"Junior Chen Wanqiao, junior Xu Changshan, junior... have seen Master Situ!" As soon as the soft sedan came up to him, Chen Wanqiao and the others all bowed and saluted with respectful faces.

On the soft sedan chair, the old man lightly shook his feather fan and nodded slightly to Chen Wanqiao and the others. That expression is so indifferent and calm, so amiable, but also has a sense of arrogance, which vividly interprets the demeanor of an expert outside the world.

Although Hua had heard of the name of Danjun Yunmiao, seeing the respect on Chen Wanqiao's face and seeing the peerless demeanor of this Lord Danjun, Fatty Bai was also awe-inspiring, but Yu Boqian showed a bit of doubt.

Beside, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were already surprised and their eyes widened.

What is Situ Danjun, what is Yunmiao Danjun, isn't this the old liar who tried to deceive Lonen but failed, but Gu Fenghua saw through the authenticity of the Chaos Xuantian Pill, and finally slapped him hard? A few days ago, the earth spirit wood soul fruit used to help Fatty Bai refine the most holy pill was knocked from him.

Yu Boqian was also in Yidao City at that time, and he had a little impression of this old swindler, but he was not sure. What he saw at that time was the Yunmiao Danjun whom Chen Wanqiao and others respected so much, and Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and Luo Enen had dealt with him before, but they can be sure that the so-called Yunmiao Danjun in front of him must be the same person as that old swindler!

There is no way, this old man is too pretentious, except for that old liar, Gu Fenghua has never seen anyone who can interpret the extraordinary but arrogant demeanor of a reclusive expert to such a level, if it weren't for the strong divine sense and good alchemy attainments, even she was almost deceived by this old man's appearance.

The old man was putting on Danjun's airs, nodding his head to Chen Wanqiao and others, when he suddenly felt a few distinctive eyes resting on him, and when he turned his head, he saw two beautiful faces that once made him want to cry without tears, and the smile on his face was startled.

"Why are you here? Come here quickly." Seeing that Luo Enen seemed to be about to cry out in alarm, the old man jumped off the soft sedan in shock, and rushed to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's side in one stride. He said anxiously to the two of them, "Don't expose my old background, and make sure you make a lot of money."

When he spoke, there was also a begging look in his eyes.

If Gu Fenghua had a little bit of suspicion before that he had identified the wrong person, then he is completely sure now that the Danjun Yunyi who is respected by Chen Wanqiao and others in front of him is indeed the old liar they have seen in Yidao City.

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