"Master, why did you come here? We waited for a long time. Fortunately, we met a few kind-hearted seniors on the way to help, otherwise we would not have been able to find you." Gu Fenghua acted coquettishly with a face of complaint, and imitated the kind of daughter of the sect who was loved by the elders.

"Didn't I ask you to wait for me at the foot of the mountain for a few days? Who knew that you came to the Yuchi Sect by yourself, which made me look for it for a few days." What kind of vision and response did the old liar, then Gu Fenghua began to complain.

"Don't blame the second senior brother for saying that he would wait for you in the mountains, and practice for a few days by the way, but he accidentally missed it." Luo Enen pouted and looked at Yu Boqian dissatisfied.

"You are quite old, why are you still so uneasy, what are you doing with your junior sister running around? Fortunately, this is an accident, if there is no accident, how can I explain to my junior brother?" The old liar turned his head and glanced at Yu Boqian.

Because Yu Boqian had once bid with Gu Fenghua in an auction house, and got into disgrace several times, so the old liar also had some impressions of him, and wondered in his heart, why did they get together again? But doubts belong to doubts, and he immediately reprimanded Lorne severely.

Yu Boqian was dumbfounded, the reaction speed of the old liar was unmatched by him, and he was speechless for a while.

"Although Master Nephew Yu is a little reckless, but he started late and has little experience, please forgive me senior, don't argue with him." Seeing Yu Boqian's honest and pitiful appearance, Chen Wanqiao and others couldn't bear it, and helped to smooth things over.

"Forget it, I won't punish you this time when I see the face of the seniors. You must not be so reckless in the future." The old liar waved his hand and said, putting on the airs of an elder.

"Thank you uncle, I don't dare to do it anymore." Yu Boqian came back to his senses, bowed quickly and said, in admiration of the old liar's adaptability. If it was another person, he would have to ponder over what Gu Fenghua and the others said before he could react. Fortunately, he opened his mouth without even thinking about it, and his cooperation was flawless.

Alas, it's no wonder that the Qingyang sect has been handed down to him for so many years and there is no improvement. It's not without reason. Compared with them, my brain is really not enough. Yu Boqian's self-confidence was greatly hit, and he couldn't help but think so.

"Let's go, follow me to Yuchizong, it's rare for you to come out to practice, just to gain a lot of knowledge." The old liar nodded, and continued to put on the elder's chair and said.

"By the way, you are the ones who brought them to Yuchizong. Thanks to you this time, I will thank you very much later." After walking a few steps, he turned his head and said to Chen Wanqiao.

"It's just a raise of your hand, Lord Danjun, don't take it to heart." Chen Wanqiao and the others showed joy, and there was even a bit of flattery in their brows, but they still suppressed their joy and said to the old liar.

The old liar didn't say any more, waving the feather fan with one hand, and leaning behind his back with the other, he led Gu Fenghua and the others towards Yuchizong swaggeringly.

"Seniors, thank you very much this time, and it will be a reward in the future." Gu Fenghua thanked Chen Wanqiao and the others, and hurriedly followed.

Those sect-keeping disciples respectfully followed behind and sent them into the sect step by step. Of course, they didn't mention a word about the verification of their integrity.

"I didn't expect them to be the juniors of Danjun Yunmiao." Watching Gu Fenghua and others enter the Yuchi Sect, Chen Wanqiao and the others all expressed emotion.

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