"Second obeisance to the high hall..." As soon as the old man finished speaking, Miss Niu turned around, faced Niu Qianding, and fell to the ground with a bang.

This time, the bridegroom was not given a chance to resist at all, and several disciples of Yuchi Sect directly overwhelmed him to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the guests all around were sweating profusely, while Niu Qianding was sitting on the teacher's chair, but he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

"Husband and wife salute..."

The hall trembled, and Miss Niu bowed down swiftly, but this time, the bridegroom would rather die than obey, no matter how hard the disciples of the Yuchi Sect tried their best, even the bones of their bodies creaked under pressure, they would not bow their heads. Those disciples of the Yuchi Sect also lost their temper, and each of them exerted all their strength, their faces flushed from holding back.

"Be gentle, this is my uncle from the Niu family." Miss Niu glared at them and said dissatisfied.

Only then did the disciples of the Yuchi Sect realize that they were reckless. They were too rude and rude to the future son-in-law. Now they are flattering the young lady, but if the son-in-law holds grudges in their hearts, they will die if the wind blows on their pillows in the future. Several people turned pale with fright, and quickly let go.

The bridegroom felt his body lighten, and subconsciously wanted to get up. At this moment, Miss Niu raised her big bear-like hand and slapped it down.

"Bah!" The bridegroom fell to the ground in response.

Behind them, those disciples of the Yuchi Sect wiped off a cold sweat: Is this what you mean by being gentle? Looking around, they even had some doubts, whether their eldest lady had taken a fancy to another young hero and was planning to change the groom at the wedding.

Fortunately, apart from a bunch of bad old men around, there is only a young man named Fatty Bai, but judging by his white and fat appearance, it is estimated that even if the eldest lady wants to fall in love with him, she can only change her taste, and it is absolutely impossible to replace the groom with him.

"The ceremony is over, the bride and groom enter the bridal chamber..." Finally, the old man wanted to say a few more words of congratulations such as a hundred years of marriage and an early birth of a son, but seeing that Miss Niu was already scratching her head and scratching her head, she couldn't wait, so she cut the long story short.

As soon as the words were spoken, several disciples of the Yuchi Sect immediately stepped forward, ready to help the groom, but before they started, Miss Niu strode forward, carried the groom on her shoulders, and rushed out with big strides.

The cheers sounded again, and the sound of gongs and drums outside was even more earth-shattering, but this time, everyone could clearly hear the mournful sobs under the red hijab.

Everyone present felt a chill, as if they had seen the tragic fate of the bridegroom.

"Drink, drink, today is my daughter's big day, everyone will not go home if they are not drunk." Niu Qianding laughed loudly and shouted loudly.

"Senior, please come here, fellow juniors and younger sisters, come with me." When the food and wine were served, Niu Qianding ushered the old liar and Gu Fenghua to the main table.

Although everyone seemed to be hearing the bridegroom's tragic sobbing, Niu Qianding didn't seem to notice it at all. During the banquet, he frequently toasted to urge wine.

At midnight, the banquet just ended.

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