My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 2449 cheated and abducted for so many years without being beaten to death

"You guys, come here and help Senior Situ and a few uncles go back. Don't be negligent, or I'll break your dog's legs." Niu Qianding belched his wine, and told his disciples drunkenly. A lot of exotic flowers and herbs have been added to this wine, it tastes mellow, but it has a great aftertaste, although Niu Qianding is a strong man of the eighth rank of Heavenly Sage, but today he is in a good mood and drank too much, and it is inevitable that he will feel drunk at this time.

"Don't bother, we can go back by ourselves." The old liar still shook the white feather fan and smiled lightly.

Don't look at him calm on the surface, but after all he has a guilty conscience, he is afraid that he will show his clues when he is drunk, and he would not dare to drink too much, so he is completely sober.

"It's fine for us to go back with Master Uncle by ourselves, and you don't have to be polite, Lord Sovereign." Gu Fenghua also declined.

Thinking about the big events of the night, they don't drink at all, and they are more sober than the old liar.

"No... no, Senior Situ's kindness to my Niu family is as great as a mountain, how can I be negligent... negligent... negligible..." Before the slow word could be said, Niu Qianding fell back from being drunk, and several disciples of Emperor Shen quickly stretched out their hands to support him.

"You take good care of the suzerain, and we can accompany the uncle back by ourselves." Seeing Niu Qianding drunk like this, Gu Fenghua was overjoyed, and hurriedly dragged the old liar back.

The disciples of the Yuchi Sect supported Niu Qianding, so there was no way to send them back. Gu Fenghua and the others felt the wind under their feet, and returned to the guest courtyard as quickly as possible.

Fearing that the old liar would get suspicious, they sent him back to the room first, and Gu Fenghua and the others also went back to their rooms. After waiting for a while, guessing that he should be asleep, they opened the door lightly.

"Where do we start looking?" Lonen asked Gu Fenghua in a low voice.

"Let's go to the back mountain first." Gu Fenghua thought for a while and said.

The back mountain of Yuchi Zong is extremely deep, and it seems that the spirit of the enchantment is also a little different from other places. According to her guess, Mo Tianxing is mostly quiet in the back mountain.

While speaking, Gu Fenghua led several people to walk out cautiously.

"Where are you going so late?" Just arrived at the door, the old liar's voice came from my ear.

Turning his head to look, he saw the old liar's old face full of excitement, and his eyes were still shining in the night.

Gu Fenghua was secretly surprised, she had been concentrating her spiritual thoughts just now, paying attention to the movements of the old liar, but she didn't find anything unusual at all, and she didn't know when he opened the door and emerged.

It seems that there is a reason why this old liar has been cheated and kidnapped for so many years, but he is still alive and kicking, and he was not beaten to death by his younger brother. At least this ability of hiding his voice is something that ordinary people can't learn.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Lornen asked subconsciously.

"Hehe, I already knew that you came to Yuchizong for a long time. If I guessed correctly, you are also here for the ice muscle and jade bone spring." The old liar said triumphantly, as if I had already seen that you had ghosts.

Ice Muscle Jade Bone Spring! Gu Fenghua's heart skipped a beat. Although I don't know anything about the so-called icy muscle jade bone spring, but just looking at the proud face of the old liar and listening to the name, I can guess that it should be a spring, and it must have magical effects.

Of course, it is impossible to carry the spring water with you. It must be hidden in a very secret place, protected by numerous restrictions. That should be the most well-protected place in the entire Yuchi Sect, and it is of course the most suitable place to lock people.

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