"..." With your little strength, you still have the nerve to point fingers at me! Mo Qingqiu was feeling sulky and had nowhere to go. Hearing his words, his brows raised slightly, and he had the urge to slap him to death.

Fortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, Tang Junhou took out a simple floppy disk and started playing with it. Mo Qingqiu saw that although the compass looked unremarkable, its refining techniques were extremely exquisite. His heart moved and he suppressed the urge to slap him to death again.

"What is this?" Lorne asked curiously.

"This is called the Gui Chou Soul Chasing Tray, and it is the treasure of our Yelang Sect!

Do you know why our Yelang Sect is so famous that people are afraid of it? Because our Yelang Sect has been supporting justice since ancient times and has a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. If anyone dares to bully my disciples of the Yelang Sect, he must give an explanation even if he escapes to the ends of the earth.

But why can't they escape even to the ends of the earth? It's because of this Ghost Soul Chasing Tray. Just now I used this ancestral treasure to mark the roe owls, and see where they can escape to? "Seeing that someone was cooperating with him to pretend to be X, Tang Junhou was even more proud. He said while making fingerprints.

Gu Fenghua and others suddenly realized that this was a tracking weapon. No wonder the Ye Lang people are afraid of ghosts when they see people, and make people change their expressions. With such a magic weapon in hand, who can escape if they are determined to stalk them? Ghost Sorrow Chasing Soul Tray, this word is well chosen!

Looking at the compass in Tang Junhou's hand, Gu Fenghua and others were full of expectations. Unfortunately, Tang Junhou made a handprint, then a back seal, and then another handprint... Dozens of handprints were made, but the compass did not move at all.

"Are you okay?" Luo Enen became more and more anxious as she waited, and asked impatiently.

"What do you mean, can't do it? I, Tang Junhou, am an eight-foot tall man. How can you say that I can't do it? This is an insult to me, a huge insult!" Tang Junhou jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on, and roared with a red face. road.

Luo Enen curled her lips, "You are like a monkey, but you are still an eight-foot man, and you don't even measure it!"

"Okay, I made a mistake. I'm sorry. What I actually want to ask is whether your clan-suppressing treasure will work?" His eyebrows were burning. Of course, Luo Enen would not fight with him. She rarely apologized to him and admitted her mistake. He asked urgently.

"You all know that this is the treasure of our Yelang Sect. How could you ask such a stupid question? Otherwise, can you still call it the treasure of our clan? You are an insult to our Yelang Sect. It's a huge insult. Insult!" Seeing Luo Enen apologize to him, Tang Junhou's expression softened a little, but when he heard the next words, he immediately jumped up.

Gu Fenghua didn't want to listen to his nonsense, so he grabbed the Ghost Chou Soul Chasing Tray from his hand and quickly made his fingerprints.

She had already noticed that although Tang Junhou made dozens of back seals in succession, there was only one hand seal that was repeated over and over again, but each hand seal was completely different.

It's really hard for him. He can do so many tricks with a simple handprint. It would be strange for Gui Qiu's Soul Chasing Tray to move!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Gu Fenghua completed the fingerprints. A divine light appeared on the floppy disk, the runes flashed, and the pointer spun rapidly.

As a result, everyone looked at Tang Junhou with strange eyes. It was such a simple handprint, but it actually transformed into thousands of things in his hands. Miss Luo's question is really not an insult to him.

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